Submitted as: model description paper
23 Jan 2025
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 23 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

FACA v1 – Fully Automated Co-Alignment of UAV Point Clouds

Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, Claudia Gunkel, Karsten Schütze, Lars Tiepolt, Dirk Kuhn, Michael Fuchs, and Steffen Prüfer

Abstract. We introduce FACA – Fully Automated Co-Alignment, an open-source software designed to fully automate the workflow for co-aligning point clouds derived from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images using photogrammetry. We developed FACA to efficiently evaluate fieldwork with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) on landslides and coastal dynamics. The software applies to any research requiring comparative precise rapid multi-temporal point cloud generation from UAV imagery. UAVs are an essential element in most contemporary applied geosciences research toolkits. Typical products of UAV flights are point clouds created with photogrammetry, to measure objects and their change if multi-temporal data exists. Ground Control Points (GCPs) are considered the best method to increase the precision and accuracy of point clouds, but placing and measuring them is not always feasible during fieldwork. Co-alignment leads to the local precise alignment of multiple point clouds without GCPs. FACA uses Agisoft Metashape Pro and the Python standard library. The GPLv3 licensed FACA source code focuses on extendability, modifiability, and readability. FACA works interchangeably from the command line or a custom graphical user interface. We distribute the software with both usage and installation instructions. Three multi-temporal test datasets are available. We demonstrate the utility and versatility of FACA v1 with a multi-year and -region dataset acquired along Germany's Baltic Sea coast. FACA is in continuous open development.

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Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, Claudia Gunkel, Karsten Schütze, Lars Tiepolt, Dirk Kuhn, Michael Fuchs, and Steffen Prüfer

Status: open (until 20 Mar 2025)

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Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, Claudia Gunkel, Karsten Schütze, Lars Tiepolt, Dirk Kuhn, Michael Fuchs, and Steffen Prüfer
Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, Claudia Gunkel, Karsten Schütze, Lars Tiepolt, Dirk Kuhn, Michael Fuchs, and Steffen Prüfer


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Short summary
FACA – Fully Automated Co-Alignment – is a tool designed to generate co-aligned point clouds. We aim to accelerate the application of the co-alignment method and achieve fast results with evolving temporal data and minimal site-specific preparation. FACA offers multiple ways to interact with the workflow, enabling new users to quickly generate initial results through the custom interface, as well as integration into larger automated workflows via the command line. Test datasets are provided.