Submitted as: model description paper
20 Dec 2024
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 20 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

ISWFM-NSCS v2.0: advancing the internal solitary wave forecasting model with background currents and horizontally inhomogeneous stratifications

Yankun Gong, Xueen Chen, Jiexin Xu, Zhiwu Chen, Qingyou He, Ruixiang Zhao, Xiao-Hua Zhu, and Shuqun Cai

Abstract. A new version of an internal solitary wave (ISW) model, the Internal Solitary Wave Forecasting Model-Northern South China Sea version 2.0 (ISWFM-NSCS v2.0), is presented. The background currents and horizontally inhomogeneous stratifications are implemented in ISWFM-NSCS v2.0 to better reproduce ISW properties, including arrival time, mode-1 wave amplitude, wave-induced velocity, characteristic half-width and propagation direction. Optimized viscosity and diffusivity coefficients (i.e., 1.0×10-2 m2 s-1 in horizontal and 1.0×10-5 m2 s-1 in vertical) are also introduced in ISWFM-NSCS v2.0 to maintain stable stratifications within the model domain, thereby prolonging the model’s valid forecasting period. A mooring station around the Dongsha Atoll is presented for model evaluation and numbers of sensitivity experiments are implemented to illustrate the individual effect of the major updates. In comparison with ISWFM-NSCS v1.0, ISWFM-NSCS v2.0 significantly enhances model accuracy in forecasting ISW characteristics, with a 37 % improvement in arrival time, a 34 % improvement in mode-1 wave amplitude, a 25 % improvement in wave-induced velocity, and an 85 % improvement in half-width.

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Yankun Gong, Xueen Chen, Jiexin Xu, Zhiwu Chen, Qingyou He, Ruixiang Zhao, Xiao-Hua Zhu, and Shuqun Cai

Status: open (until 14 Feb 2025)

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Yankun Gong, Xueen Chen, Jiexin Xu, Zhiwu Chen, Qingyou He, Ruixiang Zhao, Xiao-Hua Zhu, and Shuqun Cai
Yankun Gong, Xueen Chen, Jiexin Xu, Zhiwu Chen, Qingyou He, Ruixiang Zhao, Xiao-Hua Zhu, and Shuqun Cai
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 20 Dec 2024
Short summary
A new internal solitary wave forecasting (ISW) model in the northern South China Sea (ISWFM-NSCS v2.0) improves ISW predictions by incorporating background currents and inhomogeneous stratifications. Additionally, viscosity and diffusivity coefficients are optimized to maintain stable stratifications, extending the forecasting period. Sensitivity experiments illustrate that ISWFM-NSCS v2.0 significantly enhances predictions of various wave properties.