Submitted as: model evaluation paper
19 Aug 2024
Submitted as: model evaluation paper |  | 19 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

Model calibration and streamflow simulations for the extreme drought event of 2018 on the Rhine River Basin using WRF-Hydro 5.2.0

Andrea L. Campoverde, Uwe Ehret, Patrick Ludwig, and Joaquim G. Pinto

Abstract. Recent drought events have significantly affected navigation through the Rhine River and the transportation of goods due to low water levels. It has become imperative to analyze the conditions in which these events occur to establish actions to develop adaptive measures and avoid monetary losses. The main focus of this study is to calibrate the hydrological model for extremely low water levels and to test its performance during the 2018 drought event in the Rhine River basin. WRF-Hydro was developed to complement the land-atmosphere interactions with the meteorological model Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), and it has been mainly used to study flood events. In this study, we simulated the Rhine River basin’s streamflow using the meteorological ERA5 reanalysis dataset as input data. The calibration period is 2016–2017, during which the influence of several parameters on the streamflow was evaluated and contrasted with the daily observed discharge values at gauging stations along the river. Land use cover and terrain slope were used to create spatially distributed parameter maps, thus avoiding the calibration process of testing a range of values, substantially reducing computational demands. During calibration, the importance of modeling realistic outflow values of Lake Constance became apparent due to its significant contribution to the upper Rhine basin. However, WRF-Hydro’s lake module resulted in an overly strong dampening of streamflow. Lake Constance was, therefore, represented without the lake module, resulting in more realistic hydrographs and statistical scores. Overall, the calibration and validation process demonstrated that WRF-Hydro is capable of reproducing the variability of the discharge along the Rhine and capturing low water levels observed during the 2018 drought event. These results suggest that WRF-Hydro is a suitable model for analyzing recent and future drought events in the Rhine River basin under different climate conditions.

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Andrea L. Campoverde, Uwe Ehret, Patrick Ludwig, and Joaquim G. Pinto

Status: open (until 14 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Andrea L. Campoverde, Uwe Ehret, Patrick Ludwig, and Joaquim G. Pinto
Andrea L. Campoverde, Uwe Ehret, Patrick Ludwig, and Joaquim G. Pinto


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Short summary
We looked at how well the model WRF-Hydro performed during the 2018 drought event in the River Rhine basin, even though it is typically used for floods. We used the meteorological ERA5 reanalysis dataset to simulate River Rhine’s streamflow and adjusted the model using parameters and actual discharge measurements. We focused on Lake Constance, a key part of the basin, but found issues with the model’s lake outflow simulation. By removing the lake module, we obtained more accurate results.