Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Development and technical paper
26 Feb 2016
Development and technical paper |  | 26 Feb 2016

IL-GLOBO (1.0) – development and verification of the moist convection module

Daniele Rossi, Alberto Maurizi, and Maurizio Fantini

Abstract. The development and verification of the convective module of IL-GLOBO, a Lagrangian transport model coupled online with the Eulerian general circulation model GLOBO, is described. The online-coupling promotes the full consistency between the Eulerian and the Lagrangian components of the model. The Lagrangian convective scheme is based on the Kain–Fritsch convective parametrization used in GLOBO. A transition probability matrix is computed using the fluxes provided by the Eulerian KF parametrization. Then, the convective redistribution of Lagrangian particles is implemented via a Monte Carlo scheme. The formal derivation is described in details and, consistently with the Eulerian module, includes the environmental flux in the transition probability matrix to avoid splitting of the convection and subsidence processes. Consistency of the Lagrangian implementation with its Eulerian counterpart is verified by computing environment fluxes from the transition probability matrix and comparing them to those computed by the Eulerian module. Assessment of the impact of the module is made for different latitudinal belts, showing that the major impact is found in the Tropics, as expected. Concerning vertical distribution, the major impact is observed in the boundary layer at every latitude, while in the tropical area, the influence extends to very high levels.

Short summary
In the atmospheric sciences and air quality studies, there is a widespread use of models which follows the trajectory of air particles. This paper provides the description and validation of the algorithm which parameterizes the vertical transport of air particles due to convective storms in the trajectory component of the model IL-GLOBO, which combines a trajectory model with a meteorological global-scale model, maintaining the consistency between the assumptions made by the two components.