Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Model description paper
10 Feb 2016
Model description paper |  | 10 Feb 2016

LIMA (v1.0): A quasi two-moment microphysical scheme driven by a multimodal population of cloud condensation and ice freezing nuclei

B. Vié, J.-P. Pinty, S. Berthet, and M. Leriche


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Short summary
LIMA, a new quasi two-moment, mixed-phase microphysical scheme, is introduced. LIMA relies on the prognostic evolution of a multimodal aerosol population and the careful description of their nucleating properties that enable cloud droplets and pristine ice to form. This paper describes LIMA and illustrates its ability to represent aerosol-cloud interactions for 2-D idealized simulations of a squall line and orographic cold clouds.