Articles | Volume 9, issue 9
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© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Improved representations of coupled soil–canopy processes in the CABLE land surface model (Subversion revision 3432)
Vanessa Haverd
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, P.O. Box 3023, Canberra ACT 2601,
Matthias Cuntz
Department Computational Hydrosystems, UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Lars P. Nieradzik
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, P.O. Box 3023, Canberra ACT 2601,
Ian N. Harman
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, P.O. Box 3023, Canberra ACT 2601,
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19 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Evaluating CMIP5 Model Agreement for Multiple Drought Metrics A. Ukkola et al. 10.1175/JHM-D-17-0099.1
- Integration of tree hydraulic processes and functional impairment to capture the drought resilience of a semiarid pine forest D. Nadal-Sala et al. 10.5194/bg-21-2973-2024
- Carbon-phosphorus cycle models overestimate CO 2 enrichment response in a mature Eucalyptus forest M. Jiang et al. 10.1126/sciadv.adl5822
- Multimodel Analysis of Future Land Use and Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Functioning A. Krause et al. 10.1029/2018EF001123
- Mapping groundwater abstractions from irrigated agriculture: big data, inverse modeling, and a satellite–model fusion approach O. López Valencia et al. 10.5194/hess-24-5251-2020
- Evaluating a land surface model at a water-limited site: implications for land surface contributions to droughts and heatwaves M. Mu et al. 10.5194/hess-25-447-2021
- Land surface models systematically overestimate the intensity, duration and magnitude of seasonal-scale evaporative droughts A. Ukkola et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/11/10/104012
- Sensitivity of Surface Fluxes in the ECMWF Land Surface Model to the Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index and Root Distribution: Evaluation with Tower Flux Data D. Stevens et al. 10.3390/atmos11121362
- Seasonal Dynamics of Canopy Properties and Ecosystem Fluxes in a Temperate Evergreen Angiosperm Forest A. Renchon et al. 10.2139/ssrn.3987846
- New turbulent resistance parameterization for soil evaporation based on a pore‐scale model: Impact on surface fluxes in CABLE M. Decker et al. 10.1002/2016MS000832
- Land–atmosphere interactions in the tropics – a review P. Gentine et al. 10.5194/hess-23-4171-2019
- Infiltration from the Pedon to Global Grid Scales: An Overview and Outlook for Land Surface Modeling H. Vereecken et al. 10.2136/vzj2018.10.0191
- Physically Accurate Soil Freeze‐Thaw Processes in a Global Land Surface Scheme M. Cuntz & V. Haverd 10.1002/2017MS001100
- A new version of the CABLE land surface model (Subversion revision r4601) incorporating land use and land cover change, woody vegetation demography, and a novel optimisation-based approach to plant coordination of photosynthesis V. Haverd et al. 10.5194/gmd-11-2995-2018
- Higher than expected CO2 fertilization inferred from leaf to global observations V. Haverd et al. 10.1111/gcb.14950
- Evaluation of the CABLEv2.3.4 Land Surface Model Coupled to NU‐WRFv3.9.1.1 in Simulating Temperature and Precipitation Means and Extremes Over CORDEX AustralAsia Within a WRF Physics Ensemble A. Hirsch et al. 10.1029/2019MS001845
- Sensitivity of isoprene emissions to drought over south-eastern Australia: Integrating models and satellite observations of soil moisture K. Emmerson et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.04.038
- Moving beyond the incorrect but useful paradigm: reevaluating big-leaf and multilayer plant canopies to model biosphere-atmosphere fluxes – a review G. Bonan et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108435
- Temporal Dynamics of Canopy Properties and Carbon and Water Fluxes in a Temperate Evergreen Angiosperm Forest A. Renchon et al. 10.3390/f15050801
19 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Evaluating CMIP5 Model Agreement for Multiple Drought Metrics A. Ukkola et al. 10.1175/JHM-D-17-0099.1
- Integration of tree hydraulic processes and functional impairment to capture the drought resilience of a semiarid pine forest D. Nadal-Sala et al. 10.5194/bg-21-2973-2024
- Carbon-phosphorus cycle models overestimate CO 2 enrichment response in a mature Eucalyptus forest M. Jiang et al. 10.1126/sciadv.adl5822
- Multimodel Analysis of Future Land Use and Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Functioning A. Krause et al. 10.1029/2018EF001123
- Mapping groundwater abstractions from irrigated agriculture: big data, inverse modeling, and a satellite–model fusion approach O. López Valencia et al. 10.5194/hess-24-5251-2020
- Evaluating a land surface model at a water-limited site: implications for land surface contributions to droughts and heatwaves M. Mu et al. 10.5194/hess-25-447-2021
- Land surface models systematically overestimate the intensity, duration and magnitude of seasonal-scale evaporative droughts A. Ukkola et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/11/10/104012
- Sensitivity of Surface Fluxes in the ECMWF Land Surface Model to the Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index and Root Distribution: Evaluation with Tower Flux Data D. Stevens et al. 10.3390/atmos11121362
- Seasonal Dynamics of Canopy Properties and Ecosystem Fluxes in a Temperate Evergreen Angiosperm Forest A. Renchon et al. 10.2139/ssrn.3987846
- New turbulent resistance parameterization for soil evaporation based on a pore‐scale model: Impact on surface fluxes in CABLE M. Decker et al. 10.1002/2016MS000832
- Land–atmosphere interactions in the tropics – a review P. Gentine et al. 10.5194/hess-23-4171-2019
- Infiltration from the Pedon to Global Grid Scales: An Overview and Outlook for Land Surface Modeling H. Vereecken et al. 10.2136/vzj2018.10.0191
- Physically Accurate Soil Freeze‐Thaw Processes in a Global Land Surface Scheme M. Cuntz & V. Haverd 10.1002/2017MS001100
- A new version of the CABLE land surface model (Subversion revision r4601) incorporating land use and land cover change, woody vegetation demography, and a novel optimisation-based approach to plant coordination of photosynthesis V. Haverd et al. 10.5194/gmd-11-2995-2018
- Higher than expected CO2 fertilization inferred from leaf to global observations V. Haverd et al. 10.1111/gcb.14950
- Evaluation of the CABLEv2.3.4 Land Surface Model Coupled to NU‐WRFv3.9.1.1 in Simulating Temperature and Precipitation Means and Extremes Over CORDEX AustralAsia Within a WRF Physics Ensemble A. Hirsch et al. 10.1029/2019MS001845
- Sensitivity of isoprene emissions to drought over south-eastern Australia: Integrating models and satellite observations of soil moisture K. Emmerson et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.04.038
- Moving beyond the incorrect but useful paradigm: reevaluating big-leaf and multilayer plant canopies to model biosphere-atmosphere fluxes – a review G. Bonan et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108435
- Temporal Dynamics of Canopy Properties and Carbon and Water Fluxes in a Temperate Evergreen Angiosperm Forest A. Renchon et al. 10.3390/f15050801
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Latest update: 09 Mar 2025
Short summary
CABLE is a global land surface model, which has been used extensively in offline and coupled simulations. We improve CABLE’s simulation of evaporation using a new scheme for drought response and a physically accurate representation of coupled energy and water fluxes in the soil. Marked improvements in predictions of evaporation are demonstrated globally. Results highlight the important roles of deep soil moisture in mediating drought response and litter in dampening soil evaporation.
CABLE is a global land surface model, which has been used extensively in offline and coupled...