Articles | Volume 9, issue 3
Model description paper
01 Apr 2016
Model description paper |  | 01 Apr 2016

Implementation of a Marauding Insect Module (MIM, version 1.0) in the Integrated BIosphere Simulator (IBIS, version 2.6b4) dynamic vegetation–land surface model

Jean-Sébastien Landry, David T. Price, Navin Ramankutty, Lael Parrott, and H. Damon Matthews

Data sets

Code for IBIS–MIM Jean-Sebastien Landry http://landuse.geog.mcgill. ca/

Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) Data Services and Tools for Geoscience

Short summary
Insect-induced plant damage affects the land-atmosphere exchanges of carbon, energy, and water. We developed a module to quantify such effects in process-based models suitable for climate studies. The module can simulate damage from broadleaf defoliators, needleleaf defoliators, and bark beetles. When coupled to an existing terrestrial vegetation model, the module produced reasonable results for vegetation dynamics and land-atmosphere exchanges, from daily to centennial timescales.