Articles | Volume 8, issue 8
Model description paper
28 Aug 2015
Model description paper |  | 28 Aug 2015

EwE-F 1.0: an implementation of Ecopath with Ecosim in Fortran 95/2003 for coupling and integration with other models

E. Akoglu, S. Libralato, B. Salihoglu, T. Oguz, and C. Solidoro


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Short summary
Ecosystem-based marine management requires coupling/integrating multiple models in one unified scheme. The widely adopted Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) is potentially a crucial high trophic level component of such schemes. However, being written in Visual Basic, integration of EwE with physical and/or biogeochemical oceanographic models, which were mostly written in Fortran, is complicated. We release a re-coding of EwE in Fortran (EwE-F) so as to facilitate its coupling/integration in such schemes.