Articles | Volume 8, issue 4
© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
libmpdata++ 1.0: a library of parallel MPDATA solvers for systems of generalised transport equations
Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
S. Arabas
Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
D. Jarecka
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA
Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
H. Pawlowska
Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
P. K. Smolarkiewicz
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK
M. Waruszewski
Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
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18 citations as recorded by crossref.
- On numerical broadening of particle-size spectra: a condensational growth study using PyMPDATA 1.0 M. Olesik et al. 10.5194/gmd-15-3879-2022
- Simulation of all-scale atmospheric dynamics on unstructured meshes P. Smolarkiewicz et al. 10.1016/
- Adaptation of Multidimensional Positive Definite Advection Transport Algorithm to Modern High-Performance Computing Platforms B. Rosa et al. 10.7763/IJMO.2015.V5.456
- libcloudph++ 1.0: a single-moment bulk, double-moment bulk, and particle-based warm-rain microphysics library in C++ S. Arabas et al. 10.5194/gmd-8-1677-2015
- Modeling collision–coalescence in particle microphysics: numerical convergence of mean and variance of precipitation in cloud simulations using the University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.1 P. Zmijewski et al. 10.5194/gmd-17-759-2024
- A Lagrangian particle-based numerical model for surfactant-laden droplets at macroscales M. Denys et al. 10.1063/5.0101930
- PyMPDATA v1: Numba-accelerated implementation of MPDATA with examples in Python, Julia and Matlab P. Bartman et al. 10.21105/joss.03896
- MPDATA: Third-order accuracy for variable flows M. Waruszewski et al. 10.1016/
- Lagrangian condensation microphysics with Twomey CCN activation W. Grabowski et al. 10.5194/gmd-11-103-2018
- Impact of Giant Sea Salt Aerosol Particles on Precipitation in Marine Cumuli and Stratocumuli: Lagrangian Cloud Model Simulations P. Dziekan et al. 10.1175/JAS-D-21-0041.1
- University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 1.0: a modern large-eddy simulation tool for warm cloud modeling with Lagrangian microphysics P. Dziekan et al. 10.5194/gmd-12-2587-2019
- A Study on Throughput of LTE Multicast Systems under Co-existence Interference S. Malisuwan et al. 10.7763/IJMO.2015.V5.457
- Derivative pricing as a transport problem: MPDATA solutions to Black–Scholes-type equations S. Arabas & A. Farhat 10.1016/
- Accurate simulation of transient landscape evolution by eliminating numerical diffusion: the TTLEM 1.0 model B. Campforts et al. 10.5194/esurf-5-47-2017
- libcloudph++ 2.0: aqueous-phase chemistry extension of the particle-based cloud microphysics scheme A. Jaruga & H. Pawlowska 10.5194/gmd-11-3623-2018
- A finite-volume module for simulating global all-scale atmospheric flows P. Smolarkiewicz et al. 10.1016/
- University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.0: adaptation of a mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian numerical model for heterogeneous computing clusters P. Dziekan & P. Zmijewski 10.5194/gmd-15-4489-2022
- libcloudph++ 0.2: single-moment bulk, double-moment bulk, and particle-based warm-rain microphysics library in C++ S. Arabas et al. 10.5194/gmdd-7-8275-2014
17 citations as recorded by crossref.
- On numerical broadening of particle-size spectra: a condensational growth study using PyMPDATA 1.0 M. Olesik et al. 10.5194/gmd-15-3879-2022
- Simulation of all-scale atmospheric dynamics on unstructured meshes P. Smolarkiewicz et al. 10.1016/
- Adaptation of Multidimensional Positive Definite Advection Transport Algorithm to Modern High-Performance Computing Platforms B. Rosa et al. 10.7763/IJMO.2015.V5.456
- libcloudph++ 1.0: a single-moment bulk, double-moment bulk, and particle-based warm-rain microphysics library in C++ S. Arabas et al. 10.5194/gmd-8-1677-2015
- Modeling collision–coalescence in particle microphysics: numerical convergence of mean and variance of precipitation in cloud simulations using the University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.1 P. Zmijewski et al. 10.5194/gmd-17-759-2024
- A Lagrangian particle-based numerical model for surfactant-laden droplets at macroscales M. Denys et al. 10.1063/5.0101930
- PyMPDATA v1: Numba-accelerated implementation of MPDATA with examples in Python, Julia and Matlab P. Bartman et al. 10.21105/joss.03896
- MPDATA: Third-order accuracy for variable flows M. Waruszewski et al. 10.1016/
- Lagrangian condensation microphysics with Twomey CCN activation W. Grabowski et al. 10.5194/gmd-11-103-2018
- Impact of Giant Sea Salt Aerosol Particles on Precipitation in Marine Cumuli and Stratocumuli: Lagrangian Cloud Model Simulations P. Dziekan et al. 10.1175/JAS-D-21-0041.1
- University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 1.0: a modern large-eddy simulation tool for warm cloud modeling with Lagrangian microphysics P. Dziekan et al. 10.5194/gmd-12-2587-2019
- A Study on Throughput of LTE Multicast Systems under Co-existence Interference S. Malisuwan et al. 10.7763/IJMO.2015.V5.457
- Derivative pricing as a transport problem: MPDATA solutions to Black–Scholes-type equations S. Arabas & A. Farhat 10.1016/
- Accurate simulation of transient landscape evolution by eliminating numerical diffusion: the TTLEM 1.0 model B. Campforts et al. 10.5194/esurf-5-47-2017
- libcloudph++ 2.0: aqueous-phase chemistry extension of the particle-based cloud microphysics scheme A. Jaruga & H. Pawlowska 10.5194/gmd-11-3623-2018
- A finite-volume module for simulating global all-scale atmospheric flows P. Smolarkiewicz et al. 10.1016/
- University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.0: adaptation of a mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian numerical model for heterogeneous computing clusters P. Dziekan & P. Zmijewski 10.5194/gmd-15-4489-2022
Saved (final revised paper)
Latest update: 09 Mar 2025
Short summary
This paper accompanies the first release of libmpdata++, a C++ library implementing the multidimensional positive-definite advection transport algorithm (MPDATA) on a regular structured grid. The library offers basic numerical solvers for systems of generalised transport equations. All solvers offer parallelisation through domain decomposition using shared-memory parallelisation. The paper describes the library programming interface, and serves as a user guide.
This paper accompanies the first release of libmpdata++, a C++ library implementing the...