Articles | Volume 17, issue 24
Model description paper
19 Dec 2024
Model description paper |  | 19 Dec 2024

Simulation of snow albedo and solar irradiance profile with the Two-streAm Radiative TransfEr in Snow (TARTES) v2.0 model

Ghislain Picard and Quentin Libois

Data sets

ghislainp/tartes: v2.0 G. Picard and Q. Libois

Interactive computing environment

Snowtartes web application Ghislain Picard

Short summary
The Two-streAm Radiative TransfEr in Snow (TARTES) is a radiative transfer model to compute snow albedo in the solar domain and the profiles of light and energy absorption in a multi-layered snowpack whose physical properties are user defined. It uniquely considers snow grain shape flexibly, based on recent insights showing that snow does not behave as a collection of ice spheres but instead as a random medium. TARTES is user-friendly yet performs comparably to more complex models.