Articles | Volume 17, issue 17
Model description paper
12 Sep 2024
Model description paper |  | 12 Sep 2024

openAMUNDSEN v1.0: an open-source snow-hydrological model for mountain regions

Ulrich Strasser, Michael Warscher, Erwin Rottler, and Florian Hanzer

Data sets

Operational and experimental snow observation systems in the upper Rofental: data from 2017 to 2023 M. Warscher et al.

The Rofental: a high Alpine research basin (1890 m-3770 m a.s.l.) in the Ötztal Alps (Austria) with over 150 years of hydro-meteorological and glaciological observations U. Strasser et al.

Continuous meteorological and snow hydrological measurements for 2013-2023 from three automatic weather stations (AWS) in the upper Rofental, Ötztal Alps, Austria Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck

Model code and software

openAMUNDSEN U. Strasser et al.

openAMUNDSEN v1.0.0 (v1.0.0) F. Hanzer et al.


The Rofental: a high Alpine research basin (1890 m-3770 m a.s.l.) in the Ötztal Alps (Austria) with over 150 years of hydro-meteorological and glaciological observations U. Strasser et al.

Continuous meteorological and snow hydrological measurements for 2013-2023 from three automatic weather stations (AWS) in the upper Rofental, Ötztal Alps, Austria Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck

openAMUNDSEN example data (v1.0) F. Hanzer et al.

Short summary
openAMUNDSEN is a fully distributed open-source snow-hydrological model for mountain catchments. It includes process representations of an empirical, semi-empirical, and physical nature. It uses temperature, precipitation, humidity, radiation, and wind speed as forcing data and is computationally efficient, of a modular nature, and easily extendible. The Python code is available on GitHub (, including documentation (