Articles | Volume 17, issue 15
Model evaluation paper
14 Aug 2024
Model evaluation paper |  | 14 Aug 2024

Random forests with spatial proxies for environmental modelling: opportunities and pitfalls

Carles Milà, Marvin Ludwig, Edzer Pebesma, Cathryn Tonne, and Hanna Meyer

Data sets

Code and data for "Random forests with spatial proxies for environmental modelling: opportunities and pitfalls" Carles Milà

Short summary
Spatial proxies, such as coordinates and distances, are often used as predictors in random forest models for predictive mapping. In a simulation and two case studies, we investigated the conditions under which their use is appropriate. We found that spatial proxies are not always beneficial and should not be used as a default approach without careful consideration. We also provide insights into the reasons behind their suitability, how to detect them, and potential alternatives.