Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Development and technical paper
19 Jan 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 19 Jan 2024

rSHUD v2.0: advancing the Simulator for Hydrologic Unstructured Domains and unstructured hydrological modeling in the R environment

Lele Shu, Paul Ullrich, Xianhong Meng, Christopher Duffy, Hao Chen, and Zhaoguo Li

Data sets

Output from SHUD hydrological model for Waerma Watershed, Gansu, China Lele Shu

Model code and software

SHUD-System/rSHUD: 2.0 Lele Shu

Short summary
Our team developed rSHUD v2.0, a toolkit that simplifies the use of the SHUD, a model simulating water movement in the environment. We demonstrated its effectiveness in two watersheds, one in the USA and one in China. The toolkit also facilitated the creation of the Global Hydrological Data Cloud, a platform for automatic data processing and model deployment, marking a significant advancement in hydrological research.