Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Development and technical paper
25 Jun 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 25 Jun 2024

Assessing the benefits of approximately exact step sizes for Picard and Newton solver in simulating ice flow (FEniCS-full-Stokes v.1.3.2)

Niko Schmidt, Angelika Humbert, and Thomas Slawig

Data sets

FEniCS-full-Stokes Niko Schmidt

Model code and software

FEniCS-full-Stokes Niko Schmidt

Short summary
Future sea-level rise is of big significance for coastal regions. The melting and acceleration of glaciers plays a major role in sea-level change. Computer simulation of glaciers costs a lot of computational resources. In this publication, we test a new way of simulating glaciers. This approach produces the same results but has the advantage that it needs much less computation time. As simulations can be obtained with fewer computation resources, higher resolution and physics become affordable.