Articles | Volume 17, issue 10
Development and technical paper
29 May 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 29 May 2024

WRF-PDAF v1.0: implementation and application of an online localized ensemble data assimilation framework

Changliang Shao and Lars Nerger

Data sets

Observation assimilated by WRF-PDAF Changliang Shao

Model code and software

WRF-PDAF v1.0 Changliang Shao

Short summary
This paper introduces and evaluates WRF-PDAF, a fully online-coupled ensemble data assimilation (DA) system. A key advantage of the WRF-PDAF configuration is its ability to concurrently integrate all ensemble states, eliminating the need for time-consuming distribution and collection of ensembles during the coupling communication. The extra time required for DA amounts to only 20.6 % per cycle. Twin experiment results underscore the effectiveness of the WRF-PDAF system.