Articles | Volume 17, issue 10
Model description paper
24 May 2024
Model description paper |  | 24 May 2024

VISIR-2: ship weather routing in Python

Gianandrea Mannarini, Mario Leonardo Salinas, Lorenzo Carelli, Nicola Petacco, and Josip Orović

Data sets

Raw data to replicate VISIR-2 numerical experiments Mario Salinas et al.

Intermediate materials for reproducing figures and tables Mario Salinas et al.

Model code and software

[VISIR-2 ship weather routing model] source code (Python) Mario Salinas et al.

Video supplement

Ferry case study Mario Salinas

Sailboat case study Mario Salinas

Short summary

Ship weather routing has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions, but it currently lacks open and verifiable research. The Python-refactored VISIR-2 model considers currents, waves, and wind to optimise routes. The model was validated, and its computational performance is quasi-linear. For a ferry sailing in the Mediterranean Sea, VISIR-2 yields the largest percentage emission savings for upwind navigation. Given the vessel performance curve, the model is generalisable across various vessel types.