Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Development and technical paper
02 May 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 02 May 2024

Impacts of spatial heterogeneity of anthropogenic aerosol emissions in a regionally refined global aerosol–climate model

Taufiq Hassan, Kai Zhang, Jianfeng Li, Balwinder Singh, Shixuan Zhang, Hailong Wang, and Po-Lun Ma

Data sets

EAMv2 anthropogenic aerosol emissions data in model-native spectral-element grid Taufiq Hassan and Kai Zhang

ggen: Python package for generating grid meshes and performing conservative remapping Taufiq Hassan

ERA5 monthly averaged data on pressure levels from 1940 to present H. Hersbach et al.

Model code and software

Energy Exascale Earth System Model v2.0 E3SM Project and DOE

Source code for E3SMv2 improved emission treatment Taufiq Hassan et al.

Short summary
Anthropogenic aerosol emissions are an essential part of global aerosol models. Significant errors can exist from the loss of emission heterogeneity. We introduced an emission treatment that significantly improved aerosol emission heterogeneity in high-resolution model simulations, with improvements in simulated aerosol surface concentrations. The emission treatment will provide a more accurate representation of aerosol emissions and their effects on climate.