Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Development and technical paper
16 Apr 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 16 Apr 2024

Implementation of additional spectral wave field exchanges in a three-dimensional wave–current coupled WAVEWATCH-III (version 6.07) and CROCO (version 1.2) configuration: assessment of their implications for macro-tidal coastal hydrodynamics

Gaetano Porcile, Anne-Claire Bennis, Martial Boutet, Sophie Le Bot, Franck Dumas, and Swen Jullien

Data sets

Bay of Somme coupled CROCO (v1.2) - WAVEWATCH-III (v6.07) configuration files used in Porcile et al. (2023) Gaetano Porcile et al.

CROCO Technical and Numerical Documentation (1.3) Swen Jullien et al.

Model code and software

Bay of Somme coupled CROCO (v1.2) - WAVEWATCH-III (v6.07) configuration files used in Porcile et al. (2023) Gaetano Porcile et al.

Coastal and Regional Ocean COmmunity model (1.3) Francis Auclair et al.

Short summary
Here a new method of modelling the interaction between ocean currents and waves is presented. We developed an advanced coupling of two models, one for ocean currents and one for waves. In previous couplings, some wave-related calculations were based on simplified assumptions. Our method uses more complex calculations to better represent wave–current interactions. We tested it in a macro-tidal coastal area and found that it significantly improves the model accuracy, especially during storms.