Articles | Volume 17, issue 5
Model description paper
13 Mar 2024
Model description paper |  | 13 Mar 2024

Modelling water isotopologues (1H2H16O, 1H217O) in the coupled numerical climate model iLOVECLIM (version 1.1.5)

Thomas Extier, Thibaut Caley, and Didier M. Roche

Data sets

Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group, Phase 2 (SWING2) NASA

Model code and software

iLOVECLIM source code v1559 Thomas Extier

LUDUS Framework IPSL

Short summary
Stable water isotopes are used to infer changes in the hydrological cycle for different time periods in climatic archive and climate models. We present the implementation of the δ2H and δ17O water isotopes in the coupled climate model iLOVECLIM and calculate the d- and 17O-excess. Results of a simulation under preindustrial conditions show that the model correctly reproduces the water isotope distribution in the atmosphere and ocean in comparison to data and other global circulation models.