Articles | Volume 16, issue 22
Model description paper
21 Nov 2023
Model description paper |  | 21 Nov 2023

Modelling detrital cosmogenic nuclide concentrations during landscape evolution in Cidre v2.0

Sébastien Carretier, Vincent Regard, Youssouf Abdelhafiz, and Bastien Plazolles

Model code and software

CIDRE Sébastien Carretier, Bastien Plazolles, Youssouf Abdelhafiz, Pierre Martinod, and Blanche Poisson

Short summary
We present the development of a code to simulate simultaneously the dynamics of landscapes over geological time and the evolution of the concentration of cosmogenic isotopes in grains throughout their transport from the slopes to the river outlets. This new model makes it possible to study the relationship between the detrital signal of cosmogenic isotope concentration measured in sediment and the erosion--deposition processes in watersheds.