the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Implementation and assessment of a model including mixotrophs and the carbonate cycle (Eco3M_MIX-CarbOx v1.0) in a highly dynamic Mediterranean coastal environment (Bay of Marseille, France) – Part 1: Evolution of ecosystem composition under limited light and nutrient conditions
Lucille Barré
Frédéric Diaz
Thibaut Wagener
France Van Wambeke
Camille Mazoyer
Christophe Yohia
Christel Pinazo
- Final revised paper (published on 21 Nov 2023)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 27 Mar 2023)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on gmd-2023-33', Anonymous Referee #1, 05 Jun 2023
General comments:
In this work the authors present a new biogeochemical model that accounts for variable stoichiometry of model compartments and represents two types of mixotrophs, constitutive mixotrophs (CM) (type IIA according to Stoecker 1998 classification) that feed when inorganic nutrients are limiting and non-constitutive mixotrophs (NCM) (type IIIB according to Stoecker 1998 classification) that have the ability to retain chloroplasts from their prey or harbor endosymbionts and use the acquired photosynthetic ability to supplement their carbon needs. This study is important because it provides a new model that can be used to investigate the dynamics and biogeochemical impact of mixotrophy in the microbial food web of the Mediterranean Sea, a trait that until now remains largely under-explored. The manuscript is generally well structured and clear. The model presented consists an important contribution to the biogechemical modelling science and therefore I recommend the publication of this work to the Geoscientific Model Development. However, I believe that there is considerable space for improvement, therefore I provided some specific comments for the authors to consider.
Specific comments:
Lines 23-26: What the authors mean with the phrase “portion of the ecosystem”? Is it in terms of carbon? This needs to be rephrased appropriately. Also, the phrase “relatively high carbon biomass” could be more specific, i.e. relative to what and how much?
Lines 47-48: “Studies are … heterotrophs”. This sentence needs rephrasing. What’s the message here? That there are fewer modelling studies compared to experimental ones?
Line 65: “Unlike most other models...” There are also a lot of models that use variable stoichiometry so this phrase is somewhat misleading and should be rephrased.
Figure 2: The explanation of the abbreviation TA is missing. In addition, it appears strange that there is no heterotrophic protists compartment in the model. Heterotrophic protists are an important component of the marine microbial food web. Thus, the authors should comment on why they chose not to include them in their model formulation. Moreover, I believe that some explanation should be provided regarding the fact that there is no mortality for phytoplankton and mixotrophs but there is mortality for bacteria.
Lines 112-114: To the best of my knowledge the Baklouti et al. 2006 a, b papers present the formulations only for the phytoplankton compartment. For zooplankton the authors provide the reference of Auger et al. (2011). However, some background information on the formulation of bacteria compartment is missing. I advise the authors to provide this background information and the relevant references on which they have based the formulation for bacteria.
Line 130: Why copepods feed with different preference on nanophytoplankton and CM? Most of the CM belong to nanoflagellates so I don’t see why copepods prefer one group more than the other.
Line 145: Why only PICO can consume DON and DOP but not PHYTO. As far as I know most phytoplankton species can consume DON and DOP. Therefore, the authors should provide some justification on this assumption. Moreover, dissolved organic phosphorus and nitrogen should be stoichiometrically coupled with dissolved organic carbon, accounting of course for variable stoichiometry of dissolved organic matter. That is PICO as well as heterotrophic bacteria and mixotrophs will consume a mol of dissolved organic matter containing x mols of DON and y mols of DOP, i.e. by definition DON and DOP is coupled to organic carbon. The way that the consumption of dissolved organic matter is formulated in the current model does not account for the uptake of dissolved organic carbon along with DON and DOP.
Line 185: Why the NCM as well as the CM have different preferences for the different types of prey. This is somewhat arbitrary and some support for this assumption should be provided.
Line 210: It is not clear to me why the photosynthetic flux is weighted by the prey preference. Shouldn’t it be analogous to the grazing rate to each of the different prey since prey should be first consumed and then it can be used for photosynthesis by the mixotroph?
Lines 252-253: Authors should provide further information regarding this statement. To what evidence is this assumption based on?
Lines 431-433: Mixotrophic organisms must invest in the synthesis and maintenance of both a phototrophic and a phagotorophic apparatus, which can lead to an increased metabolic cost. Trade-offs of mixotrophy are not taken into account in the current model, however the authors should comment on the potential effect of trade-offs of mixotrophy on the competitive advantage of mixotrophs.
Lines 454-455: “Although CM biomass… not co-limiting”: These findings should be further explained. i.e. What are the model assumptions and formulations that give rise to these results?
Technical corrections:
Line 44: “Played” should be “play”.
Line 66: “use” should be “uses”.
Line 67: “ We conducted to three specific… “ Delete “to”.
Line 336: Fig. 5e should be replaced by Fig. 5f.
Line 354: Fig 3.b: misplaced dot.
Line 434: add “to”; i.e. “…we decided to focus…”.
Line 435: replace “all photosynthesis” with “total photosynthesis”.
Line 496: add “in” ; i.e. “…observed in these gyres…”
Line 548: “details” should be replaced by “detailed”.
Line 569: delete “the” in “…in the order to…”
Line 580: This sentence need to be corrected. The verb is missing.
Line 581: “…phytoplankton composition was mostly the results of changes in…” should be changed to “…phytoplankton composition was mostly affected by…”
Line 582: “During the winter mixing event, both changes in nutrients and light…” should be replaced by: "During the winter mixing event, variability in nutrients and light availability…”.
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Lucille Barré, 19 Jul 2023
First, we would like to thank Referee #1 for his/her careful evaluation of our manuscript. We believe that his/her comments will help to improve the manuscript. Please, find hereafter our responses to the concerns raised by Referee #1. Figures, Tables and references can be found in the attached file.
Specific comments
Lines 23-26: What the authors mean with the phrase “portion of the ecosystem”? Is it in terms of carbon? This needs to be rephrased appropriately. Also, the phrase “relatively high carbon biomass” could be more specific, i.e. relative to what and how much?
We agree with this comment. To clarify, we changed the phrase :
[In addition, we investigate the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes associated with mixotrophic protists and showed that: (i) the portion of the ecosystem occupied by NCM decreases when resources (nutrient and prey concentrations) decrease, although their mixotrophy allows them to maintain a relatively high carbon biomass as photosynthesis increase as food source; (ii) the portion of the ecosystem occupied by CM increases when nutrient concentrations decrease, due to their capability to ingest prey to supplement their N and P needs.]
[In addition, we investigate the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes associated with mixotrophic protists and showed that: (i) the portion of the ecosystem in percentage of carbon biomass occupied by NCM decreases when resources (nutrient and prey concentrations) decrease, although their mixotrophy allows them to maintain a carbon biomass almost as significant as the copepods one (129.8 and 148.7 mmolC m-3, respectively), as photosynthesis increase as food source; (ii) the portion of the ecosystem in percentage of carbon biomass occupied by CM increases when nutrient concentrations decrease, due to their capability to ingest prey to supplement their N and P needs.].
Lines 47-48: “Studies are … heterotrophs”. This sentence needs rephrasing. What’s the message here? That there are fewer modelling studies compared to experimental ones?
Yes, we wanted to point out that, as a lot of models still consider a food web divided into strict phototrophs and heterotrophs, there are fewer modelling studies comparing to experimental ones. We modified it to avoid confusion (l.48-54).
[Mixotrophic protists played an important role in the marine carbon cycle. Due to their adaptability, these organisms are crucial for the transfer of matter and energy to the highest trophic levels, thus impacting the structure of planktonic communities by favouring the development of larger organisms (Ptacnick et al., 2004). Moreover, by switching the biomass maximum to larger organisms, carbon export increases in presence of mixotrophs. As instance, Ward and Follows (2016) compared the results from two food web models, only one accounted for mixotrophy, and showed that carbon export to depth increased by nearly 35% when mixotrophic protists were considered. By showing the significant effect of mixotrophic protists on the food web, these studies motivated their addition to current food web models (Jost et al., 2004; Mitra and Flynn, 2010).]
Line 65: “Unlike most other models...” There are also a lot of models that use variable stoichiometry so this phrase is somewhat misleading and should be rephrased.
We modified (l.68-69) :
[Unlike most other models, Eco3m_MIX-CarbOx uses variable cellular quotas which allowed us to determine the nutritional state of the cell by comparing it to a reference quota]
[Eco3m_MIX-CarbOx uses variable cellular quotas which allowed us to determine the nutritional state of the cell by comparing it to a reference quota].
Figure 2: The explanation of the abbreviation TA is missing.
Thank you for pointing this out, we added the explanation of the abbreviation TA.
In addition, it appears strange that there is no heterotrophic protists compartment in the model. Heterotrophic protists are an important component of the marine microbial food web. Thus, the authors should comment on why they chose not to include them in their model formulation.
We agree that heterotrophic protists could play an important role in the food web assemblage. We chose to not consider them because, by adding mixotrophs, we have considerably complexified the architecture of the model. To simplify the transition to 3D (coupling to a hydrodynamic model) and to limit the calculation time, we decided not to consider them. We propose to discuss it in a new section : 4.1 Mixotrophs representation assessment; as a possible improvement of the 0D model in the discussion (l.501-505).
[In the present model, we do not consider strict heterotrophs which belong to the nano and micro size classes. These organisms can be important competitors of ciliates, and certain species can even consume ciliates (Stoecker and Capuzzo, 1990 ; Johansson et al., 2004). The adding of these organisms could improve the representation of NCM dynamics and, accordingly, of the ecosystem and is then considered for an improved version of the model.]
Moreover, I believe that some explanation should be provided regarding the fact that there is no mortality for phytoplankton and mixotrophs but there is mortality for bacteria.
We add a point about mortality of NCM in the discussion (l.505-507). We think that adding mortality could improve the representation of NCM dynamics, and we consider it for an improved version of the model.
[Moreover, we do not consider a mortality term for NCM. Montagnes (1996) showed that mortality rates for two species of the genus Strombidium and two species of the genus Strombilidium were rapid. Accordingly, adding this term to the model could allow to represent a more realistic NCM biomass.]
For phytoplankton and CM, we performed sensitivity tests to add a mortality term when developing the model, but none were conclusive as our phytoplankton compartment and CM variable was already balanced. We believe that this is due to the fact that predators exert a strong top-down control on phytoplankton and CM populations.
Lines 112-114: To the best of my knowledge the Baklouti et al. 2006 a, b papers present the formulations only for the phytoplankton compartment. For zooplankton the authors provide the reference of Auger et al. (2011). However, some background information on the formulation of bacteria compartment is missing. I advise the authors to provide this background information and the relevant references on which they have based the formulation for bacteria.
We added the references for heterotrophic bacteria formulation (Kirchman, 2000 ; Faure et al., 2006) (l.169).
Line 130: Why copepods feed with different preference on nanophytoplankton and CM? Most of the CM belong to nanoflagellates so I don’t see why copepods prefer one group more than the other.
To clarify this, we add Figure 3 which illustrate organisms’ repartition in size classes and trophic interactions between them. In our model, the variable NANO aims to represent the phytoplankton larger than 2 µm and smaller than 2000 µm (nanophytoplankton and microphytoplankton). This variable stands for diatoms, autotrophic dinoflagellates. In the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, diatoms are an important component of phytoplankton assemblage especially during the spring bloom (Margalef, 1978, Leblanc et al., 2018) and cover wide size-range, we decided to consider them as representative of the variable. To avoid confusion, we switch the name NANO to NMPHYTO (for nano+micro-phytoplankton).
We modified the lines 136 to 141:
[We considered two types of phytoplankton based on size: nanophytoplankton (NANO) and picophytoplankton (PICO). Nanophytoplankton includes autotrophic flagellates and small diatoms. We used Minidiscus spp. as the representative species of nanophytoplankton as the Minidiscus genus proliferates throughout the NW Miterranean when light and nutrients are less limiting (Leblanc et al., 2018). Picophytoplankton includes autotrophic prokaryotic organisms such as Prochlorococcus spp. and Synechococcus spp. The Synechococcus genus is ubiquitous in the Mediterranean (Mella-flores et al., 2011) and was therefore considered the representative genus of picophytoplankton in the model.]
[We considered two types of phytoplankton based on size (Fig. 3): picophytoplankton (PICO) and nano+micro-phytoplankton (NMPHYTO). PICO includes autotrophic prokaryotic organisms such as Prochlorococcus spp. and Synechococcus spp. which are ubiquitous in the Mediterranean (Mella-flores et al., 2011). NMPHYTO aims to represent phytoplankton larger than 2 µm and smaller than 200 µm. It mainly includes diatoms and autotrophic nanoflagellates. As diatoms are an important component of Mediterranean spring blooms (Margalef, 1978, Leblanc et al., 2018) and cover wide size-range, we decided to consider them as representative of the NMPHYTO]
and the rest of the manuscript accordingly.
Accordingly, we assumed that copepods feed on strictly smaller sized preys with the strongest preference for the largest organism: NCM. NCM are considered to be ciliates, copepods preferential ingestion of ciliates in environments where diatoms and dinoflagellate are present has been demonstrated by Verity (1996). They also represent a preferential food source for the reproduction of some copepod species (Dutz & Peters, 2008). Next, we decided to apply a strongest preference on diatoms as they cover a largest size range with possibly bigger organisms than CM.
Line 145: Why only PICO can consume DON and DOP but not PHYTO. As far as I know most phytoplankton species can consume DON and DOP. Therefore, the authors should provide some justification on this assumption. Moreover, dissolved organic phosphorus and nitrogen should be stoichiometrically coupled with dissolved organic carbon, accounting of course for variable stoichiometry of dissolved organic matter. That is PICO as well as heterotrophic bacteria and mixotrophs will consume a mol of dissolved organic matter containing x mols of DON and y mols of DOP, i.e. by definition DON and DOP is coupled to organic carbon. The way that the consumption of dissolved organic matter is formulated in the current model does not account for the uptake of dissolved organic carbon along with DON and DOP.
Thank you for this interesting comment. We decided to consider osmotrophy only for the smaller organisms (PICO and CM, Duhamel et al. (2018) ; Glibert and Legrand, (2006)). However, we agree that recent studies show that some diatoms (which are representative of NMPHYTO in our model) are able to perform dissolved organic compounds uptake (Villanova and Spetea, 2021). Then, we will consider it as possible improvement for next versions of the model.
We agree with the fact that DON, DOP and DOC are coupled, as an example we consider the three uptakes for heterotrophic bacteria. In fact, we decided to add only DON and DOP uptake for CM and PICO because we assumed that, as a type of mixotrophy, these uptakes are done to supplement N and P needs when NO3-, NH4+ and PO43- are limiting the growth. We represent it by limiting these uptakes by nutrients concentration (by considering the internal content of the cell in N and P). When N (P) content of the cell is high the uptake is close to 0 and vice versa. In the model, carbon is entirely provided by photosynthesis and organisms are rarely limited by this element which explain that we do not consider DOC uptake.
Line 185: Why the NCM as well as the CM have different preferences for the different types of prey. This is somewhat arbitrary and some support for this assumption should be provided.
For NCM: We made the choice to prioritize the ingestion of smaller organisms by considering bacteria and picophytoplankton as the preys with the highest preference as it is the case for small ciliates (Rassoulzadegan et al. 1988, Price & Turner, 1992, Christaki et al., 1999). We then prioritize nanophytoplankton which has been shown to be a great food source for ciliates in the Gulf of Lion (Christaki et al., 2009). We apply the lowest preference to NMPHYTO as they cover a wide range of size (they can be as large as NCM) and species including diatoms which are associated with smaller ciliates grazing rates (Epstein et al., 1992).
For CM: We assumed that CM consume strictly smaller sized preys. They are known to consume bacteria and picophytoplankton (Christaki et al., 2002 ; Zubkhov & Tarron, 2008, Millette et al., 2017, Livanou et al., 2019).
We provided references in the text (l.204 and l.260), the caption of the new figure 3:
[From most to least preferred prey, NCM feed on heterotrophic bacteria, picophytoplankton, CM and nano+micro-phytoplankton (Verity, 1991 ; Price & Turner, 1992 ; Christaki, 1999).]
[CM feed on heterotrophic bacteria (preferred) and picophytoplankton (less preferred, Christaki et al., 2002 ; Zubkhov & Tarron, 2008, Millette et al., 2017 ; Livanou et al., 2019) and the same grazing formulation as for zooplankton and NCM is used except that CM grazing is limited by DIN (DIP) concentration and light (Stoecker, 1997, 1998; Eq. 9).]
[Figure 3: Repartition of modelled organisms (COP: copepods, PICO: picophytoplankton, NMPHYTO: nano+micro-phytoplankton, and BACT: heterotrophic bacteria) in size classes and trophic interactions between them. Preference values are indicated in grey for copepods (Verity and Paffenhofer, 1996) and NCM (Epstein, 1992; Price & Turner, 1992 ; Christaki, 2009) and CM (Christaki et al., 2002 ; Zubkhov & Tarron, 2008, Millette et al., 2017 ; Livanou et al., 2019).]
and added a reference column to the Table E2.
Line 210: It is not clear to me why the photosynthetic flux is weighted by the prey preference. Shouldn’t it be analogous to the grazing rate to each of the different prey since prey should be first consumed and then it can be used for photosynthesis by the mixotroph?
In the present formulation we do not directly consider the ingested chlorophyl for each prey. It is another possibility to represent this process. We chose the present formulation as it was less complex and more adapted to our model. However, we would like to point out that the present formulation considers the benefits of grazing through the calculation of a quota function (fGQ,NCM). Prey dependence is then added through photosynthesis calculation parameters (i.e., we used prey parameters to calculate temperature (fT) and light limitation (limI) functions and based the calculation of the maximum photosynthetic rate on the C-specific photosynthetic rate of the prey at a reference temperature (PCREF,PREY)) and the portion of each photosynthetic prey through their associated preference value.
Lines 252-253: Authors should provide further information regarding this statement. To what evidence is this assumption based on?
It is not a formulation choice but a result from the CM grazing representation. When DIN (DIP) concentration is limiting CM will ingest prey in addition to the uptake of nutrient. As their internal content in N (P) is particularly low, exudation of DON (DOP) is not allowed (equal to 0). When DIN (DIP) concentration is high, CM only perform nutrient uptake (no grazing as it only supplements N and P needs in limiting conditions). Then, all the N (P) from uptake is exuded as the cell is already loaded in N (P) and as no grazing is performed, no N (P) from grazing is exuded in these conditions.
We changed (l.277):
[The formulations for DON and DOP exudation are similar except neither N nor P obtained from grazing are released, only N and P obtained from nutrient uptake if the cell’s N and P content is high are released. Respiration uses the same formulation as for phytoplankton i.e., a constant fraction of photosynthesis and nutrient uptake is respired (Section 2.2.2 and Appendix C).]
[The formulations for DON and DOP exudation are similar. Exudation only occurs on the N and P obtained from nutrient uptake. In other words, neither N or P obtained from grazing are released through exudation. When DIN (DIP) concentration is limiting CM will ingest prey in addition to the uptake of nutrient. As their internal content in N (P) is particularly low, exudation of DON (DOP) is not allowed (equal to 0). When DIN (DIP) concentration is high, CM only perform nutrient uptake (no grazing as it only supplements N and P needs in limiting conditions). Then, all the N (P) from uptake is exuded as the cell is already loaded in N (P) and as no grazing is performed, no N (P) from grazing is exuded in these conditions.]
Lines 431-433: Mixotrophic organisms must invest in the synthesis and maintenance of both a phototrophic and a phagotrophic apparatus, which can lead to an increased metabolic cost. Trade-offs of mixotrophy are not taken into account in the current model, however the authors should comment on the potential effect of trade-offs of mixotrophy on the competitive advantage of mixotrophs.
We thank the referee for this interesting comment. We reorganised the last point of our discussion to included it (l.635-647):
[In the present work, we provided a relatively simple model (reduced number of compartments, 0D reasoning) to represent mixotrophy in the BoM. Even though we showed that we reproduced well the two types of mixotrophs modelled (all properties from Stoecker, 1998 were verified), Eco3M_MIX-CarbOx could still be improved. When developing Eco3M_MIX-CarbOx, we considered a simplify food web with a reduced number of compartments, consequently we made the choice to not consider strict heterotrophs which belong to the nano and micro size classes. This choice can affect the representation of NCM biomass as these organisms are known to compete with ciliates for resources. Some species can even ingest ciliates (Stoecker and Capuzzo, 1990 ; Johansson et al., 2004). Moreover, in the current version of the model, we do not take into account the possible increasing metabolic cost associated with mixotrophy (i.e., maintenance of both autotrophic and heterotrophic apparatus). Raven (1997) shown that the cost of maintaining phagotrophic apparatus for a primarily phototrophic organism remains low, but the cost of maintaining a phototrophic apparatus for a primarily phagotrophic organism can be significant and often resulting in lower growth rates than strict heterotrophs. It might be interesting to consider it as it could improve the representation of the NCM biomass.]
Lines 454-455: “Although CM biomass… not co-limiting”: These findings should be further explained. i.e. What are the model assumptions and formulations that give rise to these results?
These results are explained by the high nutrient concentration applied to this simulation and the parameters used to calculate light limitation for each organism. By lifting the nutrient limitation, NMPHYTO which is particularly sensitive to nutrient concentration, can grow more easily. In addition, NMPHYTO include mainly diatoms which are known to be advantaged in low light environment (Fisher and Halsey, 2016) we then chose the parameters for light limitation calculation accordingly. Due to the chosen parameters, CM are more affected by low light, in addition they do not perform grazing in these conditions as nutrient concentration is high.
We modified:
[Although CM biomass remains high in low light, its share of the pie decreases in favour of NANO which seem to gain a slight edge. While the share of NANO increases slightly under low light PICO appears to be unaffected which is in agreement with observations by Timmermans et al. (2005) for when nutrients are not co-limiting (Fig. 9a, b).]
to (l.545):
[Although CM biomass remains high in low light, its share of the pie decreases in favour of NANO which seem to gain a slight edge. While the share of NANO increases slightly under low light PICO appears to be unaffected (Fig. 10a, b). In this simulation nutrient levels were kept artificially high to prevent nutrient limitation. By lifting the nutrient limitation NMPHYTO which is particularly sensitive to nutrients concentration, can grow more easily. In addition, NMPHYTO includes mainly diatoms which are known to be advantaged in low light environment (Fisher and Halsey, 2016). CM are more affected by low light and are not able to use mixotrophy in these conditions (nutrient concentration is high). The low effect of light on PICO agrees with observations by Timmermans et al. (2005) who showed that when nutrients are not co-limiting picophytoplankton still developed well.]
Technical corrections:
Thank you for this, we took into account all these corrections.
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Lucille Barré, 19 Jul 2023
RC2: 'Comment on gmd-2023-33', Anonymous Referee #2, 09 Jun 2023
The work by Barré et al. describes the implementation of mixotrophy into an ecosystem model that also resolves for the carbonate cycle. This work is accompanied by a sister paper that describes in detail the carbonate cycle implementation (submitted to the same journal). Mixotrophy is represented through two functional types: constitutive and non-constitutive mixotrophs. In their model, the former is primarily phototrophic and can supplement their nutrition through phagotrophy while the later is primarily phagotrophic and must acquire plastids (i.e. chlorophyll) from their prey. The model is validated against total chlorophyll. Authors investigate how mixotrophy changes as a function of the environment under idealized (low/high resource availability) and observed conditions at a costal site in the Mediterranean Sea. They discuss the fate of carbon and nutrient fluxes derived from mixotrophs.
The authors make their code publicly available which is great. However, the description of the model is very hard to follow. There is a lack of: references to justify many of the assumptions of the model, important sensitivity analyses (as detailed below), and a robust comparison of modelled plankton biomass against empirical data. The presentation of the results and the description of the simulation runs are also not clearly provided. Finally, there is a lack of discussion regarding the previous literature in the topic. Thus, while the topic is of scientific relevance, I have major concerns, as described below:
1) The manuscript lacks key sensitivity analyses. To be able to say that mixotrophy has an important impact on system dynamics, one would need to compare it against versions of the model in which no mixotrophs are considered. Specifically, mixotroph types should be replaced with purely phototrophic (phytoplankton) or heterotrophic (microzooplankton) types. This leads to a second complication: the model does not represent micro- phytoplankton nor zooplankton (see next comment); the authors should be clear about this assumption (that all microplankton are considered to be mixotrophs) and the implications related to this needs to be further explored.
2) The size classes of the mixotroph types included in the model are not clearly stated. This further complicates the interpretation of the possible trophic interactions allowed in the model. Specifically, CM only ingest pico- prey while NCM can ingest pico- and nano- prey as well as CMs. This assumption makes me think that authors are assuming that CMs are nano-sized while NCMs are micro-sized. In reality, CMs occur in both size classes. Many CMs are dinoflagellates that are known to feed on prey of similar size or larger. Finally, the model assumes that NCMs least preferred prey are CMs when, in reality, many NCMs acquire their plastids from CMs so CMs should not be the least preferred prey. Authors must refer to the literature to justify their choices (this is currently lacking in the manuscript).
3) The description of how mixotrophs are being modeled is hard to follow. First, it seems that phagotrophy cannot contribute to carbon growth when light is limiting – many studies found that CMs can also use phagotrophy to supplement carbon (Vargas et al 2012 Aquat Microb Ecol; Edwards 2019 PNAS). Second, it is especially hard to understand Tables 2 and 3 and what analyses were done to generate Figure 4. To robustly evaluate how mixotrophy metabolism varies as a function of environmental conditions, authors should have a baseline simulation where all resources are replete (growth optimal) and then just change a given initial environmental condition (e.g. external inorganic nutrient concentration) to then compare it against the baseline model. However, it seems like the authors varied a bunch of parameters (Table 3) across simulations which make them hard to compare. A suggestion would be to have a baseline model and then run this model against a grid of all possible combinations of environmental conditions for low/high [resource], in which resource could be DIN, prey or light (these would cover the main trade-off expected across different environments). Second, I think it is much more clear to the reader if the steady-state solutions are presented for these analyses (time-series are more exciting when presenting the results applied to the coastal site). By looking only at steady-state, authors can present a wider range of simulations and clearly show how phototrophy and phagotrophy changes across environments. A suggestion to visualize this, is to make a grid plot (akin to a correlation matrix) where the environments would mirror each other and so phototrophy could be presented in one “side” of the matrix and phagotrophy could be presented on the other “side” of the matrix, with the diagonal grids left empty or dashed. Finally, I think the same runs should be done to evaluate both CM and NCM properties.
4) The analysis lacks a validation for the different plankton groups modeled. The authors state that their model correctly simulates mixotrophy, but the model was only compared against total chlorophyll data. While the perfect dataset to validate mixotrophy is not currently available (we cannot detect mixotrophs in situ with traditional sampling approaches), there are many long-term time-series that provide detailed information on carbon biomass for different taxa and these can be grouped into different functional types to validate the modeled carbon biomass output. There are papers that summarized a list of species known to be mixotrophic and this could be used as a guide to apply these timeseries to validate mixotroph types in ecosystem models. As of now, it is hard to believe the model predictions are robust, for example, Figure 6 shows copepods and non-constitutive mixotrophs to have a much higher biomass than other groups. The non-constitutive mixotrophs modeled here (i.e. Laboea and Strombidium) are known to occur in low abundance and contribute less to total biomass.
5) Figure 7 requires more explanation and could be modified to provide more interesting results from the simulations. First, are these simulations the steady-state solution of the BoM runs? If not, which simulation runs? (same for Figure 9) Second, it is nice to see how much carbon and nitrogen is coming from phototrophy versus phagotrophy, but I don’t fully understand the relevance of the fractions into different pools (e.f. respiration, predation, etc). Most relevant would be to show what is the fraction of copepod total predation that corresponds to mixotrophs (relative to other prey), for example. This could then be contrasted against the sensitivity runs that do not consider mixotrophs (related to one of my other comments).
6) A big chunk of the discussion is describing more results (lines 430-490). I would move this to the Results and would enrich the discussion, as of now the paper does not mention previous ecosystem modeling studies that also tackled this question in other systems, such as using MIRO and ERSEM ecosystem models. And finally, it is not clear to me what were the main contributions of this study to this field. Authors should be more clear about it in the discussion and in the abstract. Also, please clearly state in the intro if this model is new and whether is built on something that was previously available.
Minor comments:
- Please provide a better link in the introduction to the Mediterranean system as it is unclear is some sentences are more broadly for other oceanic biomes or not (lines 52-65).
- Intro: there are quota models that describe mixotrophy, please acknowledge previous literature (line 65).
- Study area should come at the end of methods description. It is a study case of the model.
- Model description: please be clear that this is a 0D model (only time derivation, no physics resolved either over depth or horizontally).
- Methods: Please explain Eco3M; system of ODEs..
- Methods: If the carbonate cycle is not relevant here, talk less about it.
- Figure 2: why zooplankton eat picophytoplankton but not bacteria? It seems weird to me.
- Line 132: Uncertain why copepods prefer NCMs and nanophytoplankton over CMs – why is this assumption necessary?
- Why do you mention specific genus when talking about each type represented in the model if you don’t have validation data (biomass) for these? Isn’t the goal of the model to resolve all taxa that could be included in that box?
- Line 144: explain temperature effects in a separate section. Does it affect only nutrient uptake? But temperature affects all metabolic rates.
- Line 147: what about mortality?
- Line 189: why quadratic?
- Line 190: degradation rate or mortality rate? Please provide references that could back up your modeling choices if this was the case.
- Line 199: Hard to follow the calculations to get the photosynthetic rate of NCMs.
- Line 211: it seems like the calculations do not take into account chl ingested from each prey. Shouldn’t it be more logical this way?
- Lines 228-229: without definitions for intermediate calculations it is very hard to follow equations because the reader gets confused about which are constant values in the model and which are intermediate calculations based on other variables.
- Give references to justify prey preferences. Sensitivity analyses might be needed to test the impact of these assumptions.
- Table 3 is very hard to follow. Instead of giving tested properties, give this in the results and be more clear about these (with references to support these properties).
- Line 283: confusing sentence. Tota/ sum of what exactly?
- Define acronyms throughout.
- What about the spin-up period of the model? Give details where the code is deposited at the end of the Methods.
Citation: - AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Lucille Barré, 19 Jul 2023
Peer review completion