Articles | Volume 16, issue 21
Model description paper
02 Nov 2023
Model description paper |  | 02 Nov 2023

Description and evaluation of the new UM–UKCA (vn11.0) Double Extended Stratospheric–Tropospheric (DEST vn1.0) scheme for comprehensive modelling of halogen chemistry in the stratosphere

Ewa M. Bednarz, Ryan Hossaini, N. Luke Abraham, and Martyn P. Chipperfield

Data sets

Data from "Description and evaluation of the new UM-UKCA (vn11.0) Double Extended Stratospheric-Tropospheric (DEST vn1.0) scheme for comprehensive modelling of halogen chemistry in the stratosphere" by Bednarz et al., 2022 E. M. Bednarz

Short summary
Development and performance of the new DEST chemistry scheme of UM–UKCA is described. The scheme extends the standard StratTrop scheme by including important updates to the halogen chemistry, thus allowing process-oriented studies of stratospheric ozone depletion and recovery, including impacts from both controlled long-lived ozone-depleting substances and emerging issues around uncontrolled, very short-lived substances. It will thus aid studies in support of future ozone assessment reports.