Articles | Volume 16, issue 18
Model description paper
22 Sep 2023
Model description paper |  | 22 Sep 2023

The Canadian Atmospheric Model version 5 (CanAM5.0.3)

Jason Neil Steven Cole, Knut von Salzen, Jiangnan Li, John Scinocca, David Plummer, Vivek Arora, Norman McFarlane, Michael Lazare, Murray MacKay, and Diana Verseghy

Data sets

International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Stage D2 Monthly Cloud Products - Revised Algorithm in Hierarchical Data Forma NASA/LARC/SD/ASDC

CERES Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF) TOA Monthly means data in netCDF Edition4.1 NASA/LARC/SD/ASDC

GCM-Oriented CALIPSO Cloud Product R. Guzman, H. Chepfer, and S. Bony

Model code and software

The Canadian Earth System Model (CanESM) - v5.0.3 (v5.0.3) Neil C. Swart, Jason Cole, Slava Kharin, Mike Lazare, John Scinocca, Nathan Gillett, James Anstey, Vivek Arora, James Christian, Sarah Hanna, Yanjun Jiao, Warren Lee, Fouad Majaess, Oleg Saenko, Christian Seiler, Clint Seinen, Andrew Shao, Larry Solheim, Knut von Salzen, Duo Yang, and Barbara Winter

Figures for CanAM5 paper - v1.0.0 (v1.0.0) J. Cole

Short summary
The Canadian Atmospheric Model version 5 (CanAM5) is used to simulate on a global scale the climate of Earth's atmosphere, land, and lakes. We document changes to the physics in CanAM5 since the last major version of the model (CanAM4) and evaluate the climate simulated relative to observations and CanAM4. The climate simulated by CanAM5 is similar to CanAM4, but there are improvements, including better simulation of temperature and precipitation over the Amazon and better simulation of cloud.