Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
Development and technical paper
27 Jun 2023
Development and technical paper |  | 27 Jun 2023

Leveraging Google's Tensor Processing Units for tsunami-risk mitigation planning in the Pacific Northwest and beyond

Ian Madden, Simone Marras, and Jenny Suckale

Data sets

tsunamiTPUlab (1.0.0) Ian Madden, Simone Marras, and Jenny Suckale

Short summary
To aid risk managers who may wish to rapidly assess tsunami risk but may lack high-performance computing infrastructure, we provide an accessible software package able to rapidly model tsunami inundation over real topography by leveraging Google's Tensor Processing Unit, a high-performance hardware. Minimally trained users can take advantage of the rapid modeling abilities provided by this package via a web browser thanks to the ease of use of Google Cloud Platform.