Articles | Volume 15, issue 24
Development and technical paper
15 Dec 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 15 Dec 2022

The Mission Support System (MSS v7.0.4) and its use in planning for the SouthTRAC aircraft campaign

Reimar Bauer, Jens-Uwe Grooß, Jörn Ungermann, May Bär, Markus Geldenhuys, and Lars Hoffmann


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Short summary
The Mission Support System (MSS) is an open source software package that has been used for planning flight tracks of scientific aircraft in multiple measurement campaigns during the last decade. Here, we describe the MSS software and its use during the SouthTRAC measurement campaign in 2019. As an example for how the MSS software is used in conjunction with many datasets, we describe the planning of a single flight probing orographic gravity waves propagating up into the lower mesosphere.