Articles | Volume 15, issue 18
Model description paper
29 Sep 2022
Model description paper |  | 29 Sep 2022

Atmospherically Relevant Chemistry and Aerosol box model – ARCA box (version 1.2)

Petri Clusius, Carlton Xavier, Lukas Pichelstorfer, Putian Zhou, Tinja Olenius, Pontus Roldin, and Michael Boy


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Short summary
Atmospheric chemistry and aerosol processes form a dynamic and sensitively balanced system, and solving problems regarding air quality or climate requires detailed modelling and coupling of the processes. The models involved are often very complex to use. We have addressed this problem with the new ARCA box model. It puts much of the current knowledge of the nano- and microscale aerosol dynamics and chemistry into usable software and has the potential to become a valuable tool in the community.