Articles | Volume 15, issue 15
Development and technical paper
08 Aug 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 08 Aug 2022

CREST-VEC: a framework towards more accurate and realistic flood simulation across scales

Zhi Li, Shang Gao, Mengye Chen, Jonathan Gourley, Naoki Mizukami, and Yang Hong

Model code and software

CREST-VEC model code Zhi Li

Short summary
Operational streamflow prediction at a continental scale is critical for national water resources management. However, limited computational resources often impede such processes, with streamflow routing being one of the most time-consuming parts. This study presents a recent development of a hydrologic system that incorporates a vector-based routing scheme with a lake module that markedly speeds up streamflow prediction. Moreover, accuracy is improved and flood false alarms are mitigated.