Articles | Volume 15, issue 14
Model description paper
27 Jul 2022
Model description paper |  | 27 Jul 2022

A description of the first open-source community release of MISTRA-v9.0: a 0D/1D atmospheric boundary layer chemistry model

Josué Bock, Jan Kaiser, Max Thomas, Andreas Bott, and Roland von Glasow

Model code and software

MISTRA v9.0 (9.0) Josué Bock, Jan Kaiser, Max Thomas, Andreas Bott, and Roland von Glasow

Short summary
MISTRA-v9.0 is an atmospheric boundary layer chemistry model. The model includes a detailed particle description with regards to the microphysics, gas–particle interactions, and liquid phase chemistry within particles. Version 9.0 is the first release of MISTRA as an open-source community model. This paper presents a thorough description of the model characteristics and components. We show some examples of simulations reproducing previous studies with MISTRA with good consistency.