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Development and evaluation of the Aerosol Forecast Member in the National Center for Environment Prediction (NCEP)'s Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS-Aerosols v1)
Raffaele Montuoro
Stuart A. McKeen
Barry Baker
Partha S. Bhattacharjee
Georg A. Grell
Judy Henderson
Gregory J. Frost
Jeff McQueen
Rick Saylor
Haiqin Li
Ravan Ahmadov
Jun Wang
Ivanka Stajner
Shobha Kondragunta
Xiaoyang Zhang
Fangjun Li
- Final revised paper (published on 13 Jul 2022)
- Preprint (discussion started on 24 Nov 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on gmd-2021-378', Anonymous Referee #1, 04 Jan 2022
The paper gives a model description and presents the evaluation results of the aerosol forecast of the GEFS-Aerosols v1 system. This system is a newly developed aerosol module coupled on-line to NOAA’s FV3 Global Forecast System (FV3GFS) by means of the National Unified Operational Prediction Capability (NUOPC). The evaluation results are compared against the performance of the previous NGAC v2 aerosol forecast system showing a clear improvement in many aspects of the aerosol forecast.
General remarks
The paper inter-compares several aerosol model/analysis products (ICAP, GEOS5, MERRA, NGAC) with the GFES Aerosol forecast results. However, there is no stringent approach to the choice of these data sets for the different aspects. This makes the paper appear somewhat convoluted and too long. I recommend focussing on the forecast by GEFS-Aerosols v1 and its predecessor NGAC v2 only throughout the paper. These two data sets should be evaluated against observations and observation-based re-analysis data sets such as MERRA. The evaluation results of the two systems should be intercompared for all the discussed topics. If the authors still which to include other forecast or model data sets (ICAP, GEOS5) they need to describe these modelling systems in such a way that the identified differences in the evaluation against observations and observation-based reanalyses can be explained. There is little value in pointing out that GFES Aerosol is higher or lower than ICAP or GEOS5 without saying which one is better, i.e. closer to the observations.
The paper remains too in explaining the reasons for the difference in the evaluation results between GEFS-Aerosols v1 and NGAC v2. It should be stated more clearly what aspects (emissions, removal processes, aerosol conversion, resolution, transport etc.) is assumed to be the reason for the mainly improved performance of the newer system. Further, I strongly recommend adding a table that summarises the communalities and differences between GEFS-Aerosols v1 and NGAC v2 as the reader is not made familiar with the configuration of NGAC v2.
The evaluation of the forecast consists mainly of the comparisons with respect to observations and analyses of total or speciated AOD. It is an omission of the paper that routine surface PM observations are not included in the evaluation. PM 2.5 observation data sets are widely available, and the forecast of surface PM should be a main objective of any state-of-the-art aerosol forecasting system.
The paper shows detailed comparisons against speciated AOD (BC, OC, SO4/SO2). However, the speciated AOD are model results, i.e. not provided by observation instruments, which mainly observe/retrieve total AOD. Even data assimilation of these observations for the re-analysis (MERRA) is no guarantee that the speciation of the reanalysis is better than the modelled speciation. Therefore, the evaluation with total AOD observations (AERONET) should be given a much larger emphasis in the paper. It is urgently recommended to also include the biases or RMSE (and not only the correlation) against AERONET observations in the paper. At the same time, the applied optimisations of the AOD calculation to account for aerosol species (Nitrates, SOA) not modelled by GEFS-Aerosols needs to be better explained.
The paper also includes and evaluation with flight campaign data (ATOM-1). While this is an interesting aspect of the scientific verification, it seems inconsistent that this section includes a discussion of the impact of spatial resolution which is not discussed before and which is not very large. In the interest of keeping the paper short, I would omit the resolution discussions.
Finally, the paper requires more clarification of the implied benefits of aerosol – weather feedbacks and the relation of this aerosol-aware forecast as part of the NWP ensemble of the NOAA Environmental Modeling System. It remains unclear what benefits were achieved by including the aerosol ensemble member. If no results can be presented as part of the paper, this should be stated more clearly (also in the title) and less emphasis should be given on weather-composition feedbacks as part of the introduction.
Specific comments:
L 11: no need to include references and mentioning of FIM-Chem in the abstract.
L 22: Please mention the main reasons for the improvements in the abstract
P 3 L 10 -22 : The discussion of the various feedbacks would only be justified if the paper reports about modified NWP results because of considering aerosol-weather feedback. This seems not the case and the text should be shortened substantially.
P 4 L 22: Here or elsewhere add the spatial resolution of the NRT GEFS-Aerosols v1 forecasts
P 5 L15: Please clarify how the emissions are added and how this is linked to the diffusion and convection tracer transport parameterisations.
P 5 L 17: Please expand on why wet deposition by large scale and convective precipitation is dealt with in different components.
P 5 L 17: Please comment in this section about the consistency of land use and other climatological surface fields (z0, vegetation type etc.) between the dynamical core and the aerosol model.
P 5 L 21: What is the motivation to include FIM-chem here?
P 5 L 24: Please provide more details on the oxidant fields. Are these statistic climatologies or do they change in space and time because of advection. Is SO2 a tracer?
P 6 L 11: It is not clear from the text what the threshold values are based on … wind tunnel experiments ?
P 6 L 18: please add (BSM)
P 6 L24: What is a 3-year climatology?
P 6 L 25: This section describes more than the coupler – so consider renaming that section or introduce sub-sections.
P 7: A reference to Fig 2a is missing in that section.
P 7 L 11: Please indicate the computational cost of the aerosol module in relation to the cost of the dynamical core.
P 7 L 12: Please indicate the resolution of the 31 non-aerosol members and the resolution of the aerosol member. Are they the same? How does the potentially increased cost and execution time of the aerosol member impact the execution time of the ensemble as a whole?
P 7 L 19: Fig 2b is not clear at all. The names of specific routines such as checkic is not of interest for the reader. Why is re-gridding needed if the aerosol module runs at the same resolution as the core? What are the meaning of the green and yellow boxes. How is Fig 2.b related to Fig 2.a.
P 7 L26: As the AOD evaluation is an important aspect of the paper, more detail (here or elsewhere) needs to be provided to understand the impact of the optimisation of the AOD calculation on the evaluation results.
P 7 L29: This section should be re-arranged to clarify in a better way what the reference data sets are (observations, re-analysis) and what the evaluated forecasts are (GEFS-Aerosols v1 and NGAC v2 and perhaps GEOS5 and ICAP)
P 8 L 12: Please mention the number of stations and comment on the spatial coverage of the AERONET network.
P 8 L 19 / 27: Please comment on the uncertainty of the MODIS and VIIRS retrievals especially with respect to the differences over land and ocean.
P 8 L 32: Please clarify if data assimilation is applied in GEOS5 and how that data set relates to MERRA2.
P 9 L 8: The section on ATOM is very long compared to the other sections. Please consider shorten it to information relevant to the paper.
P 10 L 11: Please provide also numbers in the comparison of the CDES and HTAP 2 emission data. Please comment on the fact that the data represent different reference years and its impact of using the data for simulations in 2019.
P 11 L 9: The section 3.3 remains a bit anecdotic because only plots for selected days are shown. The paper could work without that section and it would just be enough to mention the selected biomass burning data set and injection option. If this section should remain it will require to quantify the mean aerosol biomass burning emissions for the period and to present an evaluation with independent data for the whole period. The comparison with other model and analysis data sets will require a discussion of the underlying vegetation fire data sets, in particular for NCAG v2, which does not seem to capture the fire events.
P 13 L 14: It is not possible to conclude from a map that the temporal variability was captured.
P 13 L 21: Please provide the reasons for that underestimation by NGAC v2.
P 13 L 22: Please clarify if the GEOS5 is a forecast or an analysis (data assimilation of AOD).
P 14 L 13: The comparison with AERONET AOD is more important for the reader than the inter-comparison of various modelled and analysis data sets. The section should therefore start best with the AERONET comparison.
P 14 L 29: Please discuss the biases against AERONET and not only the correlations. Please add a figure for the biases (or RMSE) similar to Fig 10 for the correlation.
P 15 L 11: Please motivate the choice of the selected stations. Why were no North-American or Siberian fire events selected ?
P 16 L 30: Why do you not include the ICAP data in the intercomparison in Fig 14 as you do in Fig 13 and before?
P 18 L 10: Please discuss the reasons for the poorer performance of NGAC v2.
P 18 L 23: Please provide the resolution in km here and before of the “native” grid.
P 18 L 28: Which resolution was used for section 4?
P 19 L 22: Please comment what the impact of the resolution on the dust emissions are. Dust emissions are known to be resolution dependent because of the respective ustar thresholds.
P 22 L 10: Volcanic eruptions have not been mentioned before. Please provide more details. On the other hand, one would expect that topics mentioned in the summary have been dealt with in the paper.
P 22 L 27: Please also mention the biases against Aeronet AOD observations.
P 23 L 11: The paper only contains tests for different resolutions and not for different emissions in section 5.
P 35 Fig 2: Consider introducing two separate Figures (2a = 2, 2b 3). The Fig 2b is not clear and a better caption is required.
P 36 Fig 3: add the different reference years and global total (Tg) in the caption.
P 37 Fig 4: Please add the total in caption.
P 39 Fig 6: “verified” is not the right word. You just show different plots/maps of AOD.
P 40 Fig 7: Please add that you show the temporal mean of the day-1 forecasts etc.
P 49 Fig 16: Why is NGAC not included in that Figure?
P 51 Fig 18: Please add the meaning of red and blue curve in caption.
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Li Zhang, 23 Mar 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Li Zhang, 23 Mar 2022
RC2: 'Comment on gmd-2021-378', Anonymous Referee #2, 14 Feb 2022
Review of “Development and Evaluation of the Aerosol Forecast Member in NCEP’s Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS-Aerosols v1)” by Zhang et al. for publication in Geoscientific Model Development
The paper presents a description of the new GEFS-Aerosols modeling capability that is part of the FV3-based ensemble forecasts of the Global Forecast System (GFS). A number of experiments are performed with this system, and results are explicitly shown evaluating different biomass burning emissions assumptions and impacts of model horizontal resolution. Model results are compared to MODIS and VIIRS observations, AERONET and ATom data, and results from the GEOS-FP, MERRA-2, ICAP, and NGACv2 model-derived products. The model is shown to have considerably better performance relative to its predecessor NGACv2 system when compared to data sets and independent model products. Residual differences in the GEFS-Aerosols performance versus observations and models are speculated at.
The paper is overall well organized and the figures are for the most part clear (I detail some places below where I have suggestions to improve). I recognize here this is a significant update to the modeling capabilities for this major meteorological forecasting system, and I appreciate the progress the authors are making on this work. I nevertheless have a number of concerns about the paper as prepared here that I wish to see addressed before it can be published in a final form. I have many minor suggestions articulated below, but I here will lay out a few more major points.
First, the model description is lacking in some significant respects. In particular, there is no description of loss processes in the aerosol scheme and how they impact the simulation. This is unfortunate because in a number of places it is asserted that uncertainties in wet removal schemes explain differences between the model and observations. A general description of the approach would be helpful here, and it would be useful also to see differences in the large-scale and convective-scale precipitation between the different resolution runs as a means to explore these differences. More generally, a budget analysis for a new modeling system is a useful add (see e.g., Textor et al. 2006, for some inspiration. It is helpful to see how the lifetime of your model is similar to and different than other systems.
Second, the comparisons between the GEFS-Aerosol simulation and the comparison datasets is in most cases only qualitative. There are any number of places where the performance is described as “very good” or “better” than this or that. For the most part these are not very helpful qualifiers, and in some cases I can’t reconcile the assertions with the graphics presented, or at least I don’t know what exactly is being highlighted. Better is something like the presentation in Figures 10 and Table 2, which are at least quantitative (well, semi-quantitative in Figure 10). These provide more objective measures of quality. Please address this in the revisions.
Third, and related, where discrepancies within the comparisons are noted there are appeals to wet removal schemes, plume rise model, dust emissions, and the like. Mostly these assertions are not grounded in anything presented in the paper. A compositional analysis that links underestimates in Europe to Saharan dust emissions (is that really the culprit?) would be helpful. Something similar (sensitivity tests?) to the points about wet removal too. I note a reference below that is relevant, but in particular it is pretty clear that this model suffers somewhat from a common problem in aerosol models with insufficient scavenging of especially black carbon in convective updrafts. Further expansion on this point should be included.
Finally, also noted below, the authors have chosen to evaluate the model performance with a focus on a perturbed period following the June 2019 Raikoke eruption. I note there is no indication of whether the model includes volcanic emissions at all, and Raikoke is evidently not in the simulation. If other pre-COVID periods were available for this evaluation I would prefer that, but at the least I think some acknowledgement of this state would be important to introduce as a caveat, probably most relevant to discussion of high northern latitude biomass burning.
Page 4, Line 24: EMC = Environmental Modeling Center (
Page 4, Line 26: I don’t see it explicitly, but I presume in the GFS-Aerosols member the aerosols are not in any way interactive with the radiation, clouds, etc. Please clarify that’s the case. Also, assuming so, how does GEFS-Aerosols differ from other GEFS members except for the prognostic aerosols? Is it meteorologically equivalent to another member of the ensemble?
Page 5, Line 11: Citations for FV3? I think it has quite a literature.
Page 5, Line 17: I have no context to understand what GFSv15 and GEFSv12 mean. Please clarify.
Page 5, Line 17: Here or somewhere nearby it would be relevant to state the model resolution of your simulations, including also the vertical coordinate. The horizontal resolution is referred to finally in the paper much later, but I don’t see the vertical resolution discussed at all.
Page 5, Line 25: Please clarify if you are in fact getting DMS emissions from Lana et al. (2011). If so, that is a departure from GOCART, which uses the DMS seawater concentrations and then determines emissions dynamically based on surface wind speeds. If using DMS direct from Lana et al. (2011), for what year and seasonal variability are you assuming?
Page 5, Line 27: In the abstract you refer to a HRRR-based plume rise model, but here you say WRF-Chem. On page 11 you refer again to HRRR-based model heritage from the WRF-Chem. Please clarify this consistently throughout.
Page 6, Line 2: The GOCART model referred to here with the 5-bin sea salt is in Colarco et al. (2010), doi: 10.1029/2009jd012820
Page 6, Line 6: The “S” and “A” terms are not obviously defined in the text. I cannot find a reference for the FENGSHA scheme here, or at least the Tong et al. 2017 citation is missing in the references. Please state what “S” and “A” are (where they derive from) and add the citation.
Page 7, Line 1: Later in the text wet removal is appealed to in various places to explain the agreement (or lack thereof) with ATom data. I note there is no mention of loss processes and how parameterized in the model. Are the loss processes also in the same sequence as the emissions in GEFS-Aerosols? What is the process order?
Page 7, Lines 12 - 16: This text just reads out of place here as it is descriptive of the GEFS configuration and not the aerosols themselves. This belongs I think in Section 2.1.1.
Page 7, Lines 22-23: “aerosol optical properties from NASA” is not terribly descriptive. If from GEOS/GOCART please cite appropriate sources (e.g., Colarco et al. 2010, Colarco et al. 2014).
Page 8, Line 10: MERRA-2 do not provide forecasts, or anyway not in some form readily accessible. It is a reanalysis and I suspect you are looking at those products, which might just be described as state snapshots or averages.
Page 8, Line 32: The GEOS system I think referred and used here is the near-real time GEOS-Forward Processing (GEOS-FP) system. Suggest that terminology. And my understanding is the “branding” is no longer using “GEOS-5” but simply “GEOS”.
Page 10, Line 6: What is the spatial resolution of the CEDS inventory used here? And are you in fact using the earlier CEDS inventory cited here and not more recently available versions that go through 2019?
Page 10, Line 19: What does “GOCART model background fields” refer to? I infer the oxidants. Please clarify. “Does “NASA GEOS/GMI” model refer to the MERRA-2 GMI version (, or something else?
Page 10, Line 23: I find this description confusing and am not sure what is being described versus shown in Figure 4. GBBEPx is stated to blend emissions from several sources…is that really what it is doing, is blending QFED with other emission sources? QFED I think would not be referred to as “MODIS QFED” like here as it is not a MODIS product, but derived from MODIS observations. Second is a reference to 3BEM emissions which is merged with WF_ABBA. But Figure 4 calls this “MODIS” which I don’t understand. Finally, the plume rise model is mentioned to take input from FRP data. How does this relate to either of the emission products mentioned here?
Page 11, Line 13: It is really hard to read Figure 4, even blown up on a screen, in relation to the comments made about it. I can clearly see more fire spots across the northern latitudes in the GBBPEx emissions, but I cannot tell if the magnitudes are different or not in general because the points are too small to see. It is certainly not evident that emissions are greater in southern Africa (Line 15). My suggestion would be to show a temporal average (a month, a season) to make this point, and you can numerically refer to the relative number of fires observed if you need to.
Page 11, Line 21: What is different in Experiment 1 (prescribed parameters) versus Experiment 3 (real-time FRP data) regarding the plume rise? What are the prescribed parameters?
Page 11, Line 31: For here and elsewhere, when you are showing ICAP MME are you withholding NGACv2 from the ensemble mean, or including it? if the former, do you see a problem in how the clearly biased NGACv2 results shown later might confound the interpretation of comparisons?
Page 12, Line 1: I cannot tell what you mean by saying GEFS-Aerosols are under predicted in eastern Europe. Do you mean Russia at about 60 East?
Page 12, Line 2: It is really not clear how to say one of these models is better than the other. Some numerical statistics need to presented in terms of biases, correlations. It is also not apparent from a single day comparison that would be the case.
Page 12, Line 23: MERRA-2 “reanalysis”
Page 13, Line 2: Maybe instead of “screening by” something like “…due to the presence of a stable stratiform cloud deck over the ocean that confounds the aerosol retrievals…”
I also want to point out here (and later in relation to Figure 7) that you have chosen an interesting period for analysis owing to the June 22, 2019, eruption of Raikoke in the northwest Pacific, which was a significant perturbation to the high latitude aerosol environment. There is no mention of volcanic emissions in GEFS-Aerosols until the conclusions where it seems like a future extension, so I presume Raikoke is omitted from the analysis. Likely the ICAP models (and for sure MERRA-2) do not explicitly account for the eruption, but they could catch some aspect of it through aerosol data assimilation. This needs to be noted somewhere in the discussion. Look especially at the high latitude MODIS points in Figure 7.
Page 13, Line 22: Please clarify here and elsewhere what we’re looking at and how it’s done. Figure 8 refers to Day 1 AOD forecast biases. I *think* what you are doing is running a 1 day forecast of the aerosol and then resetting the meteorology to the new analysis and making another 1 day forecast, and so on. So you are showing in Figure 8 the ~4 month mean of those 1 day forecast outcomes? How is that compared to the GEOS analyses mentioned here? Are you also looking at GEOS forecast outputs? Or the analysis itself? Are they compatible with what you are doing? Does it matter? Is this just a simple difference of the multi-month means?
Page 14, Line 1: How might you expect emissions to differ in the 2019 simulation years versus the 2014 valid year for the CEDS inventory used here?
Page 14, Line 28: Suggest adding some statistics of the comparisons tabularly in Table 1. It is hard to read the colors in Figure 10 quantitatively.
Page 15, Line 20: I don’t see what you are referring to here, and if anything ICAP looks closer to the AERONET points in Figure 11b at the time indicated.
Page 15, Line 32: I’m not sure what is meant by saying GEFS is both comparable to but slightly lower than ICAP.
Page 16, Line 7: Only seven sites are shown.
Figure 14: What is the shading shown on the map in the top left corner?
Page 17, Line 25: There is nothing here that supports the assertion that a low bias over Europe is caused by underestimates in dust emissions. Please explain further.
Page 18, Line 6: There is nothing that supports the statement that under predictions are due to errors in emission or wet removal processes. Or, put differently, this statement doesn’t really explain anything in the nature of the figure comparison shown.
Page 18, Line 24: I think I know what “log-Z AGL” means, but please explain.
Page 19, Line 28: I note that Figure 18 does not include any labeling Pacific versus Atlantic. Further, this is a very challenging figure to read without blowing up quite large on the monitor. I suggest you split into one figure for each species to allow more room. Finally, what you call in the text here “bias” is presented in the figure as a ratio. Please use consistent terminology.
Page 20, Line 3: Not sure about “all of the three experiments.” I see two experiments.
Page 20, Line 29: How do you quantify “very good” performance?
Page 20, Line 32: I don’t follow that the model is able to capture variations in the latitude-height profiles. Figure 18 shows that BC is overestimated in the models by a factor of 10 at higher altitudes. This is by the way a known problem in many models that they do not adequately scavenge BC (see e.g., Wang et al. 2014, doi: 10.1002/2013JD020824 and later).
Page 21, Line 4: Here injection height and scavenging are again appealed to for explanations for differences. What is the impact of the injection height parameterization, and how is that evaluated in this model?
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Li Zhang, 23 Mar 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Li Zhang, 23 Mar 2022
Peer review completion