Articles | Volume 15, issue 13
Model evaluation paper
07 Jul 2022
Model evaluation paper |  | 07 Jul 2022

Evaluating the Atibaia River hydrology using JULES6.1

Hsi-Kai Chou, Ana Maria Heuminski de Avila, and Michaela Bray

Data sets

Evaluating the Atibaia River Hydrology using JULES6.1 Hsi-Kai Chou; Ana Maria Heuminski De Avila; Michaela Bray

Short summary
Land surface models allow us to understand and investigate the cause and effect of environmental process changes. Therefore, this type of model is increasingly used for hydrological assessments. Here we explore the possibility of this approach using a case study in the Atibaia River basin, which serves as a major water supply for the metropolitan regions of Campinas and São Paulo, Brazil. We evaluated the model performance and use the model to simulate the basin hydrology.