Articles | Volume 14, issue 12
Development and technical paper
07 Dec 2021
Development and technical paper |  | 07 Dec 2021

MagIC v5.10: a two-dimensional message-passing interface (MPI) distribution for pseudo-spectral magnetohydrodynamics simulations in spherical geometry

Rafael Lago, Thomas Gastine, Tilman Dannert, Markus Rampp, and Johannes Wicht

Model code and software

MagIV v5.10 (1d-hybrid) (5.10) Thomas Gastine, Ankit Barik, rraynaud, t-schwaiger, Bertrand Putigny, Johannes Wicht, thtassin, LDVDuarte, and Boris Dintrans

MagIC v5.10, commit 6cabfa7 (2d-MPI) (5.10) Rafael Lago, Thomas Gastine, Ankit Barik, rraynaud, t-schwaiger, Bertrand Putigny, Johannes Wicht, thtassin, LDVDuarte, and Boris Dintrans

Short summary
In this work we discuss a two-dimensional distributed parallelization of MagIC, an open-source code for the numerical solution of the magnetohydrodynamics equations. Such a parallelization involves several challenges concerning the distribution of work and data. We detail our algorithm and compare it with the established, optimized, one-dimensional distribution in the context of the dynamo benchmark and discuss the merits of both implementations.