Articles | Volume 13, issue 11
Model description paper
04 Nov 2020
Model description paper |  | 04 Nov 2020

Silicone v1.0.0: an open-source Python package for inferring missing emissions data for climate change research

Robin D. Lamboll, Zebedee R. J. Nicholls, Jarmo S. Kikstra, Malte Meinshausen, and Joeri Rogelj


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Short summary
Many models project how human activity can lead to more or less climate change, but most of these models do not project all climate-relevant emissions, potentially biasing climate projections. This paper outlines a Python package called Silicone, which can add missing emissions in a flexible yet high-throughput manner. It does this infilling based on more complete literature projections. It facilitates a more complete understanding of the climate impact of alternative emission pathways.