Articles | Volume 13, issue 7
Model description paper
31 Jul 2020
Model description paper |  | 31 Jul 2020

Efficient multi-scale Gaussian process regression for massive remote sensing data with satGP v0.1.2

Jouni Susiluoto, Alessio Spantini, Heikki Haario, Teemu Härkönen, and Youssef Marzouk


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Short summary
We describe a new computer program that is able produce maps of carbon dioxide or other quantities based on data collected by satellites that orbit the Earth. When working with such data there is often too much data in one area and none in another. The program is able to describe the fields even when data is not available. To be able to do so, new computational methods were developed. The program is also able to describe how uncertain the estimated carbon dioxide or other fields are.