Computing climate-smart urban land use with the Integrated Urban Complexity model (IUCm 1.0)
Model code and software
IUCM 0.2.1: The Integrated Urban Complexity Model (Version v0.2.1)
Video supplement
Movie S1. Evolution of the application of growth to Frankfurt, with a probabilistic model setting, showing how it would growth 58,000 inhabitants, in steps of 1,000 inhabitants
Movie S2. Evolution of the transformation of the idealized example of a polycentric city, with a probabilistic model setting, showing its transformation until 1M inhabitants would be moved, in steps of 1,000 inhabitants
Movie S3. Evolution of the transformation of the idealized example of a monocentric city, with a probabilistic model setting, showing its transformation until 1M inhabitants would be moved, in steps of 1,000 inhabitants
Movie S4. Evolution of the transformation of the idealized example of a high density city, with a probabilistic model setting, showing its transformation until 1M inhabitants would be moved, in steps of 1,000 inhabitants