Articles | Volume 12, issue 12
Model description paper
04 Dec 2019
Model description paper |  | 04 Dec 2019

SELEN4 (SELEN version 4.0): a Fortran program for solving the gravitationally and topographically self-consistent sea-level equation in glacial isostatic adjustment modeling

Giorgio Spada and Daniele Melini


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Short summary
Accurate modeling of the complex physical interactions between solid Earth, oceans, and ice masses in response to deglaciation processes is of paramount importance in climate change and geodesy, since ongoing effects of the melting of Late Pleistocene ice sheets still affect present-day observations of sea-level change, uplift rates, and gravity field. In this paper, we present SELEN4, an open-source code that can compute a broad range of physical predictions for a given deglaciation model.