Articles | Volume 12, issue 7
Model evaluation paper
25 Jul 2019
Model evaluation paper |  | 25 Jul 2019

How can the First ISLSCP Field Experiment contribute to present-day efforts to evaluate water stress in JULESv5.0?

Karina E. Williams, Anna B. Harper, Chris Huntingford, Lina M. Mercado, Camilla T. Mathison, Pete D. Falloon, Peter M. Cox, and Joon Kim


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Short summary
Data from the First ISLSCP Field Experiment, 1987–1989, is used to assess how well the JULES land-surface model simulates water stress in tallgrass prairie vegetation. We find that JULES simulates a decrease in key carbon and water cycle variables during the dry period, as expected, but that it does not capture the shape of the diurnal cycle on these days. These results will be used to inform future model development as part of wider evaluation efforts.