Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Model description paper
05 Jan 2018
Model description paper |  | 05 Jan 2018

SILLi 1.0: a 1-D numerical tool quantifying the thermal effects of sill intrusions

Karthik Iyer, Henrik Svensen, and Daniel W. Schmid

Model code and software

SILLi 1.0: A 1D Numerical Tool Quantifying the Thermal Effects of Sill Intrusions K. Iyer, H. Svensen, and D. W. Schmid

Short summary
Igneous intrusions in sedimentary basins have a profound effect on the thermal structure of the hosting sedimentary rocks. In this paper, we present a user-friendly 1-D FEM-based tool, SILLi, that calculates the thermal effects of sill intrusions on the enclosing sedimentary stratigraphy. The motivation is to make a standardized numerical toolkit openly available that can be widely used by scientists with different backgrounds to test the effects of magmatic bodies in a wide variety of settings.