Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
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© Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
The ALADIN System and its canonical model configurations AROME CY41T1 and ALARO CY40T1
Piet Termonia
Royal Meteorological Institute, Brussels, Belgium
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent university, Ghent, Belgium
Claude Fischer
CNRM/GMAP, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
Eric Bazile
CNRM/GMAP, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
François Bouyssel
CNRM/GMAP, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
Radmila Brožková
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Prague, Czech Republic
Pierre Bénard
CNRM/GMAP, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
Bogdan Bochenek
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – State Research Institute of Poland, Krakow, Poland
Daan Degrauwe
Royal Meteorological Institute, Brussels, Belgium
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent university, Ghent, Belgium
Mariá Derková
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
Ryad El Khatib
CNRM/GMAP, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
Rafiq Hamdi
Royal Meteorological Institute, Brussels, Belgium
Ján Mašek
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Prague, Czech Republic
Patricia Pottier
CNRM/GMAP, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
Neva Pristov
Slovenian Environment Agency, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Yann Seity
CNRM/GMAP, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
Petra Smolíková
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Prague, Czech Republic
Oldřich Španiel
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
Martina Tudor
Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Zagreb, Croatia
Yong Wang
Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Vienna, Austria
Christoph Wittmann
Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Vienna, Austria
Alain Joly
CNRM/GMAP, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
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143 citations as recorded by crossref.
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- Comparing spatial metrics of extreme precipitation between data from rain gauges, weather radar and high-resolution climate model re-analyses E. Thomassen et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127915
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- Towards climate services for European cities: Lessons learnt from the Copernicus project Urban SIS L. Gidhagen et al. 10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100549
- The AEMET-<i>γ</i>SREPS over the Antarctic Peninsula and the impact of kilometric-resolution EPS on logistic activities on the continent S. Gonzalez et al. 10.5194/asr-17-209-2020
- An Analysis of (Sub-)Hourly Rainfall in Convection-Permitting Climate Simulations Over Southern Sweden From a User’s Perspective J. Olsson et al. 10.3389/feart.2021.681312
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138 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Development of the global multiscale atmosphere model: computational aspects M. Tolstykh et al. 10.1088/1742-6596/1740/1/012074
- Comparing spatial metrics of extreme precipitation between data from rain gauges, weather radar and high-resolution climate model re-analyses E. Thomassen et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127915
- Generation and evaluation of an ensemble of wildland fire simulations F. Allaire et al. 10.1071/WF19073
- Towards climate services for European cities: Lessons learnt from the Copernicus project Urban SIS L. Gidhagen et al. 10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100549
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5 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Analysis of rain-shadows in the Ethiopian Mountains using climatological model data C. Van den Hende et al. 10.1007/s00382-020-05554-2
- Stratospheric Circulation Modeling with the SL-AV Semi-Lagrangian Atmospheric Model V. Shashkin et al. 10.3103/S1068373919010011
- Exploring the convective grey zone with regional simulations of a cold air outbreak P. Field et al. 10.1002/qj.3105
- Comparison of Regional Atmospheric Model Forecasts under Different Initial and Boundary Conditions R. Ignatov et al. 10.3103/S1068373919060025
- Modelling Glaciers in the HARMONIE-AROME NWP model R. Mottram et al. 10.5194/asr-14-323-2017
Discussed (final revised paper)
Discussed (preprint)
Latest update: 30 Mar 2025
Short summary
This paper describes the ALADIN System that has been developed by the international ALADIN consortium of 16 European and northern African partners since its creation in 1990. The paper also describes how its model configurations are used by the consortium partners for their operational weather forecasting applications and for weather and climate research.
This paper describes the ALADIN System that has been developed by the international ALADIN...