Articles | Volume 10, issue 12
Model description paper
08 Dec 2017
Model description paper |  | 08 Dec 2017

CHROTRAN 1.0: A mathematical and computational model for in situ heavy metal remediation in heterogeneous aquifers

Scott K. Hansen, Sachin Pandey, Satish Karra, and Velimir V. Vesselinov

Model code and software

Fortran source code Los Alamos National Laboratory

Short summary
Groundwater contamination by heavy metals is a critical environmental problem for which in situ remediation is frequently the only viable treatment option. We developed a computer model for simulating such interventions, which includes custom reaction kinetics equations for the coupled interactions between the metal, the existing microbial population, and a number of possible chemical amendments. We describe installation and usage and present two instructive example simulations.