Articles | Volume 10, issue 11
Model description paper
10 Nov 2017
Model description paper |  | 10 Nov 2017

Implementation of methane cycling for deep-time global warming simulations with the DCESS Earth system model (version 1.2)

Gary Shaffer, Esteban Fernández Villanueva, Roberto Rondanelli, Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen, Steffen Malskær Olsen, and Matthew Huber


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Short summary
We include methane cycling in the simplified but well-tested Danish Center for Earth System Science model. We now can deal with very large methane inputs to the Earth system that can lead to more methane in the atmosphere, extreme warming and ocean dead zones. We can now study ancient global warming events, probably forced by methane inputs. Some such events were accompanied by mass extinctions. We wish to understand such events, both for learning about the past and for looking into the future.