Articles | Volume 10, issue 10
Model description paper
09 Oct 2017
Model description paper |  | 09 Oct 2017

PALM-USM v1.0: A new urban surface model integrated into the PALM large-eddy simulation model

Jaroslav Resler, Pavel Krč, Michal Belda, Pavel Juruš, Nina Benešová, Jan Lopata, Ondřej Vlček, Daša Damašková, Kryštof Eben, Přemysl Derbek, Björn Maronga, and Farah Kanani-Sühring


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Short summary
A realistic numerical modelling of urban climate still poses a serious challenge. The paper describes a new urban surface model (USM), integrated into large-eddy simulation model PALM. The USM covers the most important urban canopy processes (e.g. radiation, energy balance on surfaces, thermal diffusion). The model was tested in the real conditions of a city and shows good agreement with observations. The USM is optimized for high-performance computing systems and is freely available.