Articles | Volume 10, issue 6
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© Author(s) 2017. This work is distributed under
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CHIMERE-2017: from urban to hemispheric chemistry-transport modeling
Sylvain Mailler
LMD/IPSL, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, ENS, PSL
Research University; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
École des Ponts ParisTech, Université Paris-Est, 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, France
Laurent Menut
LMD/IPSL, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, ENS, PSL
Research University; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
Dmitry Khvorostyanov
LMD/IPSL, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, ENS, PSL
Research University; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
Myrto Valari
LMD/IPSL, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, ENS, PSL
Research University; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
Florian Couvidat
INERIS, National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks, Parc Technologique
ALATA, 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte, France
Guillaume Siour
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA), UMR CNRS 7583,
Université Paris Est Créteil et Université Paris Diderot, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Créteil, France
Solène Turquety
LMD/IPSL, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, ENS, PSL
Research University; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
Régis Briant
LMD/IPSL, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, ENS, PSL
Research University; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
Paolo Tuccella
LMD/IPSL, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, ENS, PSL
Research University; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
Bertrand Bessagnet
INERIS, National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks, Parc Technologique
ALATA, 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte, France
Augustin Colette
INERIS, National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks, Parc Technologique
ALATA, 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte, France
Laurent Létinois
INERIS, National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks, Parc Technologique
ALATA, 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte, France
Kostantinos Markakis
LMD/IPSL, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay, ENS, PSL
Research University; Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
Frédérik Meleux
INERIS, National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks, Parc Technologique
ALATA, 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte, France
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161 citations as recorded by crossref.
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3 citations as recorded by crossref.
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Short summary
CHIMERE is a chemistry-transport model initially designed for box-modelling of the regional atmospheric composition. In the recent years, CHIMERE has been extended to be able to model atmospheric composition at all scales from urban to hemispheric scale, which implied major changes on the coordinate systems as well as on physical processes. This study describes how and why these changes have been brought to the model, largely increasing the range of its possible use.
CHIMERE is a chemistry-transport model initially designed for box-modelling of the regional...