Submitted as: model description paper
14 Jan 2025
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 14 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

JuWavelet – Continuous Wavelet Transform and Stockwell-transform for gravity wave analysis

Jörn Ungermann and Robert Reichert

Abstract. This paper describes the Python package JuWavelet, which implements the continuous wavelet transform using the Morlet wavelet, which is a popular tool in the Geosciences to analyse wave-like phenomena. It closes a gap in available software, which are typically focused on discrete transforms or lower dimensions than offered here. The code implements the transform in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D. In particular, not only the analysis, but also the synthesis from a (modified) decomposition are available. It also provides a consistent implementation for both the original continuous wavelet transform and the derivative Stockwell transform popular in atmospheric gravity wave analysis for all dimensions.

This paper documents the mathematics behind the implementation and offers several examples to showcase the capabilities of the software including the code to generate the shown figures.

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Jörn Ungermann and Robert Reichert

Status: open (until 14 Mar 2025)

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Jörn Ungermann and Robert Reichert

Model code and software

JuWavelet Jörn Ungermann

Jörn Ungermann and Robert Reichert


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Short summary
This paper describes the software package JuWavelet, which implements the continuous wavelet transform, which is a popular tool in the Geosciences to analyse wave-like phenomena. The code implements the transform in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D for both analysis and synthesis, which closes a gap in available open-source software. The mathematics behind the transformation are given and several examples showcase the capabilities of the software.