Submitted as: methods for assessment of models
11 Sep 2024
Submitted as: methods for assessment of models |  | 11 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

Chempath 1.0: An open-source pathway analysis program for photochemical models

Daniel Garduno Ruiz, Colin Goldblatt, and Anne-Sofie Ahm

Abstract. We describe the development of Chempath: an open-source pathway analysis program for photochemical models. This algorithm can help understand the results of complex photochemical models by identifying the most important reaction chains (pathways) for the production and destruction of a species of interest in a reaction system. The algorithm can also quantify the contribution of the pathways to the production and destruction of a species.

We demonstrate how to apply Chempath to a one-dimensional photochemical model, using an example of a reaction system for Earth's present-day atmosphere. We validate that Chempath can identify well-known chemical mechanisms for O3 production and destruction in this model, suggesting that this algorithm can be applied to understand photochemical models of less well-known atmospheres, like past and exoplanet atmospheres.

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Daniel Garduno Ruiz, Colin Goldblatt, and Anne-Sofie Ahm

Status: open (until 06 Nov 2024)

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Daniel Garduno Ruiz, Colin Goldblatt, and Anne-Sofie Ahm

Model code and software

chempath Daniel Garduno Ruiz

Daniel Garduno Ruiz, Colin Goldblatt, and Anne-Sofie Ahm


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Short summary
Photochemical models describe how the composition of an atmosphere changes due to chemical reactions, transport, and other processes. These models are useful for studying the composition of the Earth and other planet's atmospheres. Understanding the results of these models can be difficult. Here, we build on previous work to develop an open-source code that can identify the reaction chains (pathways) that produce the results of these models, facilitating the understanding of these results.