Submitted as: model description paper
05 Aug 2024
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 05 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

“Pochva”: a new hydro-thermal process model in soil, snow, vegetation for application in atmosphere numerical models

Oxana Drofa

Abstract. This work presents the land model “Pochva”. “Pochva” is a model of hydro-thermal processes at the Earth surface and in the underlying medium. The model simulates the main hydro-thermal parameters of the surface, soil layer, vegetation and snow layer. Its soil process scheme allows to use physical parameters having vertical variations along the soil profile. Its snow processes scheme is a multiple layer scheme and has a numerical algorithm allowing to solve both cases of extremely thin and extremely thick layer. The model is marked by a particular accuracy in simulating the water phase transitions in soil and snow, and by the autonomy in the determination of the lower boundary condition in the soil column. The model can be used as a stand-alone land-surface model driven by observed or analytical forcing data, or coupled to an atmospheric model, either global or limited-area, either in forecast regime or climatic (hindcast) regime. The results of coupling “Pochva” to the numerical weather prediction limited-area model “Bolam” are presented in this article.

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Oxana Drofa

Status: open (until 26 Oct 2024)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on gmd-2024-138', Anonymous Referee #1, 19 Sep 2024 reply
Oxana Drofa
Oxana Drofa


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Short summary
This paper presents the result of many years of efforts of the author, who developed an original mathematical numerical model of heat and moisture exchange processes in soil, vegetation, snow. The author relied on her 30 years of research experience in atmospheric numerical modelling. The presented model is the fruit of research on physical processes at the surface-atmosphere interface and their numerical approximation and aims at improving numerical weather forecasting and climate simulations.