Wave forecast investigations on downscaling, source terms, and tides for Aotearoa New Zealand
Abstract. This study evaluates the effects of downscaling, source terms, and tidal interactions on numerical wave forecasts in Aotearoa New Zealand. We utilised a set of three nested domains (from global to regional scale) to examine significant wave height (Hs), mean period (Tm01), and peak wave direction at two coastal locations, Banks Peninsula and Baring Head. Downscaling markedly improved forecast accuracy at Baring Head, a tidally constricted region, reducing Hs forecast error by 25 %. However, improvements at Banks Peninsula were minimal, likely due to its open coast characteristics which are adequately represented even by lower resolution models. Source term enhancements using default ST6 parameters generally improved Hs predictions on the west coast but worsened them on the east, indicating a geographical dependency in model performance. This variability was also evident in the Tm01 predictions, with notable improvements in bias reduction through model downscaling, particularly at Baring Head. Tidal influences were significant, especially at Baring Head, where they enhanced the forecast accuracy of wave height and direction due to the strong tidal currents characteristic of this location. In contrast, at Banks Peninsula, tidal effects were less pronounced. The study underscores the importance of tailored modelling approaches that consider local geographical and hydrodynamic conditions to optimise wave forecasting.