Submitted as: development and technical paper
16 Dec 2020
Submitted as: development and technical paper |  | 16 Dec 2020
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

LARGE 0.2.0: 2D numerical modelling of geodynamic problems

Nicola Creati and Roberto Vidmar

Abstract. We present here LARGE 0.2.0 (Lithosphere AsthenospheRe Geodynamic Evolution) a geodynamic modelling Python package that implements a flexible and user friendly tool for the geodynamic/modelling community. It simulates 2D large scale geodynamic processes by solving the conservation equations of mass, momentum, and energy by a finite difference method with the moving tracers technique. LARGE uses advanced modern numerical libraries and algorithms but unlike common simulation code written in Fortran or C this code is written entirely in Python. Simulations are driven by configuration files that define thoroughly the lithologies and the parameters that distinguish the model. Documentation for them and for all the modules is included in the package together with a complete set of examples and utilities. The package can be used to reproduce results of published studies and models or to experiment new simulations. LARGE can run in serial mode on desktop computers but can take advantage of MPI to run in parallel on multi node HPC systems.

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Nicola Creati and Roberto Vidmar

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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
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Nicola Creati and Roberto Vidmar
Nicola Creati and Roberto Vidmar


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This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
LARGE (Lithosphere AsthenospheRe Geodynamic Evolution) 0.2.0 is a 2D numerical geodynamic simulation software released under the MIT license. The code can operate on single and multiprocessors computer. LARGE has been written in Python, while most of simulation software are written in C or Fortran, since the language is easy to understand and write. The software provides a user friendly interface and can solve complex plate tectonics problems.