Submitted as: development and technical paper |
| 04 Feb 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal GMD but the revision was not accepted.
Semantic Description and Complete Computer Characterization of Structural Geological Models
Xianglin Zhan,Jiandong Liang,Cai Lu,and Guangmin Hu
Abstract. A structural geological model is an important basis for the understanding of subsurface structures and exploration of mineral resources, especially petroleum reservoirs. In the field of geological modelling, the lack of a well-defined semantic level description and corresponding computer characterization method hinders its application. In this paper, we propose the semantic descriptions for structural geological models in order to facilitate computer based processing of geological semantics. A multi-level heterogeneous network is proposed to characterize the semantic description for this purpose. The semantic description of a structural geological model gives a complete description of structural units (called semantic entities) of structural models. Basic semantic entities include points, lines, interfaces, bodies, formations and advanced semantic entities include stratified structures/massive structures, planar structures, linear structures. Semantic relations represent the logical relationships among these semantic entities. The multi-level heterogeneous network contains complete information of structural geological models for both geometry and geology. Hence, it has a one-to-one correspondence with a structural geological model. In particular, we propose a bottom-up and top-down integrating structural modelling method based on semantic descriptions. This approach aims to address defects of the existing structural modelling methods that can only carry out bottom-up modelling. Because the addition of semantic information, it improves the adaptability of structural modelling to complex structures and enhances modelling efficiency.
Received: 01 Dec 2018 – Discussion started: 04 Feb 2019
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Code for semantic description extraction, structural modeling with semantic descriptionS and calculating points on intersection linesX. Zhan
Xianglin Zhan,Jiandong Liang,Cai Lu,and Guangmin Hu
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We proposed the semantic descriptions for structural geological models in order to facilitate computer based processing of geological semantics. The semantic description is a complete representation of the structural model. And we use the multi-level heterogeneous network to be the computer characterization of the semantic description. Semantic descriptions can also be used to constrain structure modeling which forms a top-down modeling process. We validated the effectiveness with actual data.
We proposed the semantic descriptions for structural geological models in order to facilitate...