Submitted as: development and technical paper
22 Nov 2018
Submitted as: development and technical paper |  | 22 Nov 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal GMD but the revision was not accepted.

HIRHAM–NAOSIM 2.0: The upgraded version of the coupled regional atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model for Arctic climate studies

Wolfgang Dorn, Annette Rinke, Cornelia Köberle, Klaus Dethloff, and Rüdiger Gerdes

Abstract. A new version of the coupled Arctic atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model HIRHAM-NAOSIM is described. This version utilizes upgraded model components for the coupled subsystems, which include physical and numerical improvements and higher horizontal and vertical resolution, and a revised coupling procedure with the aid of the coupling software YAC. The model performance is evaluated against observationally based data sets and compared with the previous version. Ensemble simulations for the period 1979–2016 reveal that Arctic sea ice is thicker in all seasons and closer to observations than in the previous version. Wintertime biases in sea-ice extent and near-surface air temperatures are reduced, while summertime biases are of similar magnitude as in the previous version. Problematic issues of the current model configuration and potential corrective measures and further developments are discussed.

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Wolfgang Dorn, Annette Rinke, Cornelia Köberle, Klaus Dethloff, and Rüdiger Gerdes
Wolfgang Dorn, Annette Rinke, Cornelia Köberle, Klaus Dethloff, and Rüdiger Gerdes
Wolfgang Dorn, Annette Rinke, Cornelia Köberle, Klaus Dethloff, and Rüdiger Gerdes


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Short summary
A new version of the coupled Arctic climate model HIRHAM-NAOSIM has been designed to study interactions between atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean in the Arctic. This version utilizes upgraded, high-resolution model components and a revised coupling procedure. Simulations with the new version reveal that Arctic sea ice is thicker in all seasons and closer to observations than in the previous version. Wintertime biases in sea-ice extent and near-surface air temperatures are reduced as well.