Submitted as: development and technical paper
13 Nov 2017
Submitted as: development and technical paper |  | 13 Nov 2017
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

On Quadruplet Interactions for Ocean Surface Waves

Adhi Susilo, Will Perrie, and Bash Toulany

Abstract. Nonlinear wave-wave interactions among ocean surface waves are dominated by quadruplet wave-wave interactions. Computing the nonlinear 4-wave interactions with the Boltzmann integral requires finding the loci of interactions for the quadruplets or solving the delta functions. This is an important part of the computation, but so far it is done by an iteration method that consumes computational time and may not converge after doing several iterations. In this paper, an explicit methodology to find the loci of the quadruplet interactions is presented. This research target is to develop a better method to compute the loci. To illustrate the method, there are 4 cases that will be discussed in this paper. Results show that the new method gives better results than the previous methods that have been applied. Moreover, without iterations the presented method requires less computational loops and some variables, for example the distance between loci, denoted ds, can be determined without any looping. Therefore, the new method leads to better and faster computations than the previous iteration method.

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Adhi Susilo, Will Perrie, and Bash Toulany

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Adhi Susilo, Will Perrie, and Bash Toulany
Adhi Susilo, Will Perrie, and Bash Toulany


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Short summary
Solving nonlinear wave-wave interactions with Boltzmann integral requires solving the domain of the integration correctly. While we are working on finding the loci of integration, we have an idea to find the loci with different way, an explicit way. The new method shows better results than the previous one and the algorithm is easy to follow.